How to claim export promotion scheme benefits if shipped by post?
What are the documents required to be submitted to claim benefits as per Foreign Trade Policy of India?
Foreign Trade Policy explains, if goods exported by post, the exporter shall submit following documents in lieu of documents prescribed for export by sea or air, Bank Certificate of Export and Realization as in e-BRC, Relevant postal receipt and Invoice duly attested by Customs Authorities.
The specimen format of Bank realization certificate is given below: (As per Appendix 2U of Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20)
1 Firm's Name
2 Address
4 Shipping Bill No/Invoice No

5 Shipping Bill/invoice Date
6 Port of despatch
7 Bank's Name
8 Bank's File no and Upload Date
9 Bill ID no
10 Bank Realisation Certificate No
11 Date of realisation of money by bank
12 Realised value in Foreign Currency
13 Currency of realisation
14 Date & time of printing
About the statement:
This statement is machine generated from the DGFT website. It reproduces the information (as available on the date and time of printing of this statement) received by DGFT from the bank in secured electronic mode. This information can be verified by accessing the DGFT website (
Note on the realised value:
The Realised value (Item 12 above) is denominated in Foreign Currency and may be in CIF, C&F or FOB terms as negotiated between exporter and buyer of the goods) and hence it may or may not include Commission, Freight or Insurance as the case may be. Such details may be obtained from exporters, if needed. Policy Circular No. 06(RE- 2012) /2009-14 Dated 10.10.2012 of DGFT explains this in detail.
The above information explains about documents required to claim benefits if exported by post from India. You can express your thoughts about the procedures to claim benefits if exported by post.
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