The information provided here is part of Export import business Course online
Master Collect House Prepaid’, ‘Master collect House collect’, ‘Master prepaid house prepaid’, ‘Master prepaid House collect’
Who pays freight under ‘Master Collect House Prepaid’, ‘Master collect House collect’, ‘Master prepaid house prepaid’, ‘Master prepaid House collect’
The terms Master Collect House Prepaid, Master collect House collect, Master prepaid house prepaid, Master prepaid House collect are used in a freight forwarding industry where in one or more carriers involved other than main shipping carrier.
If a freight forwarder involved in an import export trade, he issues a House document either House airway bill if mode of shipment is by air and House bill of lading if the shipment is by sea. In turn, the freight forwarder release a Master documents either Master Airway bill if mode is by air and Master Bill of lading if mode of shipment is by sea.

The freight payment and other charges in a house bill of lading and master bill of lading can be as follows:
MBL collect HBL prepaid (MAWB collect HAWB prepaid):
‘MBL or MAWB collect’ means the freight charges of shipment under MBL or MAWB is paid at destination port, not at load port. ‘HBL or HAWB prepaid’ means, the final shipper pays freight at load port to a freight forwarder. He collects the freight from the shipper, but arranges with main carrier to pay the freight to pay at destination port. Once after arrival of cargo at destination, the counterpart office of the said freight forwarder pays freight to main carrier of goods.
MBL collect HBL collect (MAWB collect HAWB collect):
In a shipment where in MBL collect and HBL collect ( In an air shipment MAWB collect and HAWB collect), both HBL/HAWB and MBL/MAWB is on collect basis. Freight under the said shipment under HBL and MBL or HAWB and MAWB is on collect basis. The freight to main carrier and freight forwarder is paid at destination. In this case, the freight forwarder collects freight from the final consignee in turn; the freight forwarder pays freight to main carrier at destination port.
MBL prepaid HBL prepaid (MAWB prepaid HAWB prepaid):
In a shipment where in ‘MBL prepaid HBL prepaid’ means, both in MBL and HBL, freight is prepaid at load port. Same - in the case of MAWB prepaid HAWB prepaid. The freight under the said shipment is prepaid by the final shipper at load port. Also the freight under MBL or MAWB is paid by the freight forwarder to main carrier.
MBL prepaid HBL collect (MAWB prepaid HAWB collect):
MBL prepaid HBL collect means, the freight forwarder prepays the freight to main carrier of goods, but he collect freight from the final consignee after arrival of goods at destination. HBL or HAWB shows ‘freight collect’. Same procedure is followed in the case of ‘MAWB prepaid HAWB collect’ basis.
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The above information is a part of Online international business guide course
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