Maintain quality of goods - a prime factor in exports
Quality - A word which any human being must maintain. ‘Caliber’ leads a human being with a perfect life. If any person maintains a best caliber, he succeeds his life.
Who are great men in the world? Those who earns billions? Those who are famous in the world? As per my opinion, people who enjoy each moments of their life happily are great men. What do we need to enjoy each moments of a life happily? It is ‘best Caliber’.

Ok, let us come back from psychology and philosophy to business. If you can develop a best quality on your product, you succeeded in business.
Any business – let it be a manufacturing or servicing, the quality plays a major role in building up a business relationship, in turn a business world.
There are various agencies within the country and abroad, supporting exporters to maintain best quality in the market. The aim of domestic government agencies working within the country is to assist the exporters to manufacture the best quality of products to compete with the suppliers of other countries manufacturing the similar products, in turn to be competed by them in future. Although there are agencies to help the exporters, the initial step in improving the quality has to come from within the exporter’s quality personnel team only.
There are many international inspection agencies working on each commodity to confirm the quality of products before shipment. The overseas buyer can appoint them to undertake a pre-inspection of goods and certify.
Beware, you have strong supports from all agencies to improve your export business, but maintaining quality is your portfolio. If you fail, no agencies can help you in compensating your financial loss and good will.
You need to set your mind in providing best quality always in any day to day life. Same logic has to be applied in business also. If quality of your product is best, your product will be attracted automatically by buyers. I personally call these phenomena as a ‘magnetic effect’ and ‘law of attraction’. In other words, quality of your product and your business profit are two sides of a coin. Let your vision be for a best quality – you are then focusing on best profit. So if you focus on the best quality of your product you will succeed your business as a universal law of attraction.
I hope, this small article can enlighten exporters about the importance of maintaining best quality on their export product.
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