Terms used in shipping such as ,Export Disincentives,Export License,Export Limitation,Export Information System,Export Rate etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as EXPORT DECLARATION, Export Development Office,Export Disincentives,Export License,Export Limitation,Export Information System,Export Rate,Export Quotas etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
Export Credit Guarantee Programs - See: General Sales Manager.
EXPORT DECLARATION:A form completed by the exporter or its authorized agent and filed in triplicate by a carrier with the U.S. Collector of Customs at the point of exit. It serves a twofold purpose:(1) Primarily, it is used by the U.S. Bureau of Census for the compilation of export statistics on U.S. foreign trade. (For this reason, an export declaration is required for practically all shipments from the U.S.A. to foreign countries and the U.S. possessions, except for mail shipments of small value or for those of a non-commercial character.) (2) The declaration also serves as an export control document because it must be presented, together with the export license, to the U.S. Customs at the port of export. If the goods may be exported under general export license, this fact must be stated on the export declaration.
Export Development Corporation - EDC is Canada's official export credit agency, responsible for providing export credit insurance, loans, guarantees, and other financial services to promote Canadian export trade.
Export Development Office - Export Development Offices (EDOs) in seven cities (Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, Milan, London, Mexico City, and Sao Paulo) provide services to U.S. exporters, including market research to identify specific marketing opportunities and products with the greatest sales potential; and to organize export promotion events. EDOs are staffed by U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service officers. When not in use for trade exhibitions, EDOs with exhibit and conference facilities are made available to individual firms or associations.
Export Disincentives - Export disincentives are policies which may serve to deter U.S. exports, such as sanctions, export controls, and domestic and regulatory policies with a coincidental impact of handicapping U.S. competitiveness.
Export Enhancement Act of 1992 - The Export Enhancement Act of 1992 required the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) to issue by September 30, 1993, and annually thereafter, a report containing "a governmentwide strategic plan for Federal trade promotion efforts" and describing its implementation. The legislation requires the TPCC to establish in the strategic plan priorities for federal trade promotion and explain the rationale for these priorities. The act also requires the TPCC to include in the plan a strategy for bringing federal trade promotion activities into line with the new priorities and for improving their coordination. The TPCC is also required to propose in the plan a means for eliminating overlap among federal trade promotion activities and increasing cooperation between state and federal trade promotion efforts. The act requires that the TPCC include in the strategic plan a proposal to the President for an annual unified budget for federal trade promotion activities. This budget is to: (a) reflect the new priorities and improved interagency coordination and (b) eliminate funding for areas of overlap and duplication among federal agencies. See: Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee.
Export Enhancement Program - The EEP, one of four export subsidy programs operated by the Department of Agriculture, is intended to enhance U.S. trade policy strategies and objectives and to expand U.S. agricultural exports. Under the EEP, the Agriculture Department's Commodity Credit Corporation provides bonuses to U.S. exporters to enable them to be price competitive and thereby sell U.S. agricultural products in targeted overseas markets in which competitor countries are making subsidized sales. EEP-eligible commodities have included: wheat, wheat flour, rice, frozen poultry, barley, barley malt, table eggs, feed grains and vegetable oil.
Export Information System - The EIS is a classified automated system for export licensing operations maintained by the Department of Energy. See: Export Control Automated Support System.
Export Legal Assistance Network - The Export Legal Assistance Network, ELAN, sponsored by SBA, is a nationwide group of attorneys with experience in international trade who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. Telephone: 202-778-3080.
Export License - A government document (also known as an "Individual Validated License") authorizing exports of specific goods in specific quantities to a particular destination. This document may be required in some countries for most or all exports and in other countries only under special circumstances.
Export Limitation - A provision that limits the recipient country's volume of exports of commodities that are the same as, or like, the commodities being furnished by the United States under a P.L. 480 ("Food for Peace") sales agreement. The export of the actual commodities is also prohibited, with the latter prohibition being termed an export restriction.
Export Management Company - An EMC is a private firm that serves as the export department for several manufacturers, soliciting and transacting export business on behalf of its clients in return for a commission, salary, or retainer plus commission. An EMC maintains close contact with its clients and is supply-driven. An EMC may take title to the goods it sells, making a profit on the markup, or it may charge a commission, depending on the type of products being handled, the overseas market, and the manufacturer-client's needs.
Export Merchant - A company that buys products directly from manufacturers, then packages and marks the merchandise for resale under its own name. A producer or merchant who sells directly to a foreign purchaser without going through an intermediate such as an export broker.
export packers: Firms that securely pack export products into a container to crate to protect the cargo from damage during an ocean voyage.
Export Permit:A legal document that is necessary for the export of goods controlled by the government of Canada, specifically goods included on the Export Control List (see above) or goods destined for countries on the Area Control List.
Export Processing Zones - EPZs are a form of free trade zone which provide incentives for industrial or commercial export activity. Export processing zones are located in developing countries and are usually in defined areas, industrial parks, or facilities which provide free trade zone benefits and usually offer additional incentives, such as exemption from normal tax and business regulations. The zones, which began appearing around 1975, are sometimes referred to as Special Economic Zones or Development Economic Zones. See: Free Trade Zones.
Export Promotion - Export promotion refers to the collective programs a nation has to help companies sell products abroad. These programs may include business counseling, training, and representational assistance, as well as providing market research information, trade fair opportuntities, and export financing assistance.
Export Quotas - Specific restrictions or target objectives on the value or volume of exports of specified goods imposed by the government of the exporting country. These restraints may be intended to protect domestic producers and consumers from temporary shortages of certain materials, or as a means to moderate world prices of specified commodities. Commodity agreements sometimes contain explicit provisions to indicate when export quotas should go into effect among producers. Export quotas are also used in connection with orderly marketing agreements and voluntary restraint agreements.
Export Rate - A freight rate specially established for application on export traffic and generally lower than the domestic rate.
Export Rate:A rate published in a tariff for traffic moving from an interior point to a port for transshipment to a foreign country.
Export Restraint Agreements - See: Voluntary Restraint Agreements.
Export Restraints - A restriction by an exporting country of the quantity of exports to a specified importing country. Usually this is a result of a request (formal or informal) of the importing country.
Export Revolving Line of Credit - The Export Revolving Line of Credit, ERLC, is a form of financial assistance provided by the Small Business Administration (SBA). The ERLC guarantees loans to U.S. firms to help bridge the working capital gap between the time inventory and production costs are disbursed until payment is received from a foreign buyer. SBA guarantees 85 percent of the ERLC subject to a $750,000 guarantee limit. The ERLC is granted on the likelihood of a company satisfactorily completing its export transaction. The guarantee covers default by the exporter, but does not cover default by a foreign buyer; failure on the buyer's side is expected to be covered by letters of credit or export credit insurance. Under SBA's ERLC program, any number of withdrawals and repayments can be made as long as the dollar limit on the line of credit is not exceeded and disbursements are made within the stated maturity period (not more than 18 months). Proceeds can be used only to finance labor and materials needed for manufacturing, to purchase inventory to meet an export order, and to penetrate or develop foreign markets. Examples of eligible expenses for developing foreign markets include professional export marketing advice or services, foreign business travel, and trade show participation. Under the ERLC program, funds may not be used to purchase fixed assets.
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as EXPORT DECLARATION, Export Development Office,Export Disincentives,Export License,Export Limitation,Export Information System,Export Rate,Export Quotas etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as Exclusive Economic Zone,Explosimeter,Export Administration Regulations ,Export Assistance Center
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