The information provided here is part of Import Export Training online
What is Cargo Transfer Manifest? How does Cargo Transfer Manifest – CTM – work?
Once after completing customs formalities for export, the exporter or his customs broker submits all required documents pertaining to the said shipment to airlines (carrier) to move the goods to final destination. Unlike sea shipments, documents related to each air shipment is accompanied along with the cargo to final destination in a pouch. This document contains airway bill, House airway bill where ever applicable, Invoice, Packing list etc.

A separate pouch of shipper to consignee also may be enclosed along with the cargo where ever applicable. CTM documents contains airway bill issued by IATA agent and their instruction to carrier with the necessary declaration and instructions by aircraft as carrier of goods. These declarations along with airway bill and other required documents are duly signed and rubber stamped by IATA.
Once after completion of export customs formalities, exporter or their authorized customs house agent hand over CTM to the carrier along with shipping bills which is a legal document required to move goods out of country as proof of completion of export customs clearance procedures. Once after receiving CTM documents, the carrier arranges to move the goods for export.
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The above information is a part of Export Import Training online
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Importance of Bill of Lading
Introduction to this web site.
Is Airway bill a documents of title?
Is Customs House Agents (CHA ) required to be appointed mandatory?
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition