Permit and registration required to import goods in Nepal
Import Licence process required in Nepal
How to get import licence in Nepal? What are the procedures for registration as an importer in Nepal? How to start an import business in Nepal? What are the certification formalities to import to Nepal? How to get the status of an importer in Nepal?
This post explains about import registration procedures to be obtained from Nepal government authority for importation to Nepal.

If anyone wants to start export or import of merchandise from and to Nepal, is required to have a legal business in Nepal.
The policy of liberalization allows open imports without a license except for those controlled goods.
Licensing procedure to import goods to a country is almost same in all countries worldwide. Detailed information on how to obtain a licence to import to a country is explained in detail as separate post in this website. Click below to read the same.
Import Registration and Licensing Process
This information is about import licensing procedures to import goods to Nepal. If you have to add more information about import permit and registration required to import goods to Nepal, share below your thoughts.
The following details also clarify:
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