What is Line number in IGM
Posted on
11 April 2023 Category : Export Import Terms
What is Line number in IGM
Most of you in import trade would have heard or experienced about Line number in Import General Manifest. What is Line number in IGM?

Once after arrival of goods at a customs location, the carrier of goods files an IGM with customs in a specified format. This detail contains the details of arrival of goods with name of shipper, consignee, number of packages, kind of packages, AWB/BL number, description of goods etc.etc.
Each shipment arrived is filed with a serial number under IGM. Normally carrier treats one Bill of Lading or one Airway Bill is treated as one shipment. So the details of each Bill of Lading/ Airway bill is filed one by one by mentioning serially numbered in Import General Manifest. Each serial number is called Line number in IGM.
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