The information provided here is part of Export import business Course online
Domestic Tariff Area under International Business
In this article, I introduce one of the terms in Export Import Trade – DTA Domestic Tariff Area.
What does Domestic Tariff Area mean?
Have you read my article – Customs Bonded Area? I have written in detail in simple language to make you easily understand about Customs Bonded Area. If you go through the said article about Customs Bonded Area, it is very easy to understand about DTA – Domestic Tariff Area.
In very simple terms, DTA means the area which is not under customs bonded.
The term DTA is normally used by the trade in exported goods, imported goods or locally procuring/manufacturing goods where in any kind of duty is involved.

As I have explained in other articles, each EOU or STP unit has a Customs Bonded Ware house which is treated as Customs Bonded Area. If you want to move goods in or out of the said ware house, permission from customs/excise is required. Such goods procured locally or imported attracts duty amount. These units would have imported/procured such goods on the basis of export obligations with government. If a unit under EOU STP fulfilled such export obligation and achieved value addition, the authorities may permit the unit to sell dutiable goods to local market. So once after completion of export obligation, EOU units or STP units sell dutiable goods to Domestic Tariff Area by obtaining permission from the customs/excise authorities.
If you obtain any goods under free of duty with government schemes, you can sell the final products to domestic tariff area, once after fulfilling your export obligation with the government licensing authority.
I hope, I have clarified DTA Domestic Tariff Area in simple language to make you easily understand. Have you satisfied with this article about Domestic Tariff Area – DTA? Would you like to add more information about DTA – Domestic Tariff Area?
Share your experience in handling exports and imports under DTA – Domestic Tariff Area.
The above information is a part of Online international business guide course
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