How is packing credit/pre shipment finance be liquidated?
Normally the packing credit / pre-shipment credit granted to an exporter is liquidated out of proceeds of bills drawn for the exported commodities on its purchase, discount etc., thereby converting pre-shipment credit into post-shipment credit. Further, subject to mutual agreement between the exporter and the banker it can also be repaid / prepaid out of balances in Exchange Earners Foreign Currency A/c (EEFC A/c) as also from rupee resources of the exporter to the extent exports have actually taken place. If not so liquidated or repaid, banks are free to decide the rate of interest as indicated as per banking norms. You can also read, What is EEFC account in this web blog.
If pre shipment loan is in excess of export value, and exporter is unable to tender export bills of equivalent value for liquidating the packing credit banks can allow exporters to extinguish the excess packing credit by export bills drawn in respect of by-product. For example, if the exporter is unable to tender export bills of equivalent value for liquidating the packing credit due to the shortfall on account of wastage involved in the processing of agro products like raw cashew nuts, etc., banks may allow exporters, to extinguish the excess packing credit by export bills drawn in respect of by-product like cashew shell oil, etc.
If the exporter is unable to tender export bills of equivalent value for liquidating the packing credit due to the shortfall on account of wastage involved in the processing of agro products like raw cashew nuts, etc., banks may allow exporters, to extinguish the excess packing credit by export bills drawn in respect of by-product like cashew shell oil, etc.
If any partial domestic sale is involved, the exporter may be charged commercial rate on such portion of domestic value against which he availed pre shipment/packing credit loan from bank. For example, in respect of export of agro-based products like tobacco, pepper, cardamom, cashew nuts etc., the exporter has necessarily to purchase a somewhat larger quantity of the raw agricultural produce and grade it into exportable and non-exportable varieties and only the former is exported. The non-exportable balance is necessarily sold domestically. For the packing credit covering such non-exportable portion, banks are required to charge commercial rate of interest applicable to the domestic advance from the date of advance of packing credit and that portion of the packing credit would not be eligible for any refinance from reserve bank.

In the case of exporters of de oiled /defatted cakes, banks are permitted to grant packing credit advance to exporters of HPS groundnut and de oiled / defatted cakes to the extent of the value of raw materials required even though the value thereof exceeds the value of the export order. The advance in excess of the export order is required to be adjusted either in cash or by sale of residual by-product oil within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of advance to be eligible for concessional rate of interest.
Although above reserve bank guidelines are in force, banks have operational flexibility to extend relaxations to their exporter clients who have a good track record.
The above information is a part of Import Export online Training
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