Amendment of number of packages in IGM
In this article, I would like to explain about the amendment of number of packages in IGM and circumstances of making error under number of package column of Import General Manifest at destination customs location.
Once after arrival of goods at destination, the carrier of goods files details of arrived with number of packages in Import General Manifest. 
Normally amendment of number of packages in IGM takes place due to oversight at the importing customs location by the carrier or his authorized representative. Amendment of number of packages in IGM is purely due to oversight. Because, the column as ‘number of packages’ in any shipping documents are very crucial, as at each point of cargo movement, actual number of package with the documentation is tallied by the crew. If there were any changes in documentation with actual number of packages, such error would have noticed before movement of goods to final destination. So there is no chance of arrival of an import consignment with wrong number of packages. Am I right?
So, an amendment of number of packages in Import General Manifest is purely due to a clerical error of oversight of personnel who files IGM with destination Customs location.
How to amend number of packages in IGM?
The amendment of number of packages in Import General Manifest can be effected with necessary customs formalities and procedures by filing specified documents for amendment of Import General Manifest with supporting documents like Airway bill or Bill of Lading and other required documents insisted by customs department of respective country.
Once after amending number of packages in Import General Manifest, the importer or his agent can file bill of entry and proceed to complete customs formalities to take delivery of cargo.
I have clarified here about the amendment of number of packages in Import General Manifest at destination customs location. Have you experienced in amending number of packages in IGM at destination port? Do you wish to add more about amendment of number of packages? Share below your experience in amendment of IGM.
The above information is a part of Import Export Training online
Comment below your thoughts about amendment of number and kind of packages in Import General Manifest at a destination customs location.
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