The information provided here is part of Online Export Import course
Duty calculation in Advance filing of Bill of Entry in INDIA
As I have explained previously, the importer can file documents with customs before arrival of vessel, within 30 days of expected time of arrival of ship. The details has been mentioned in Section 46 (3) of Customs Act.

Here, the question is, if a bill of entry filed before arrival of vessel, the rate of duty under the said import consignment is calculated on what basis. Whether from the date of filing bill of entry or from the date of goods arrival. In such cases, the duty will be payable at the rate applicable on the date of arrival of ‘entry inward’ is granted to vessel.
So the duty can not be calculated on the date of presentation of Bill of Entry. Also read How is assessable value calculated by customs for imports? Assessment / Appraising procedures of Imported goods
Write procedures in your country. Please comment
The above information is a part of Export Import Online Tutorial
Other details on how to import export
How assessable value is calculated by customs for imports?
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Assessment / Appraising procedures of Imported goods
Documents required for import customs clearance
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The role of CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs in India.
The role of Export Inspection Agency in Pre-shipment Inspection & Quality Control
The role of Reserve Bank of India
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Negotiation procedures and formalities of export bills
Non receipt of Cargo Arrival Notice, Can importer sue against shipping company
OBL not released OBL not surrendered no telex release
What is Express Release Bill of Lading
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What is first check assessment procedures in import customs clearance
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What is Fumigation in Export and Import
What is House BL
What is ICD?
What is IHC – Inland Haulage Charges
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What is Inter Unit Transfer (IUT) in STP
Is Customs House Agents (CHA ) required to be appointed mandatory?
Is DP terms of payment safe in export business?
Is Letter of Credit LC safe for an Importer?
Is ON BOARD CERTIFICATE required for LC negotiation
What is LC Letter of Credit in export import business
What is legalization of documents by embassy?
What is LET EXPORT order in export trade?
What is Line number in IGM
Introduction to this web site.
Is Airway bill a documents of title?
Is Customs House Agents (CHA ) required to be appointed mandatory?
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Triangular shipment
Types of Insurance Documents.
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
What is Express Release Bill of Lading
What is FIRC in export import business
What is first check assessment procedures in import customs clearance
What is FOB price in Exports and Imports and how it works
What is Fumigation in Export and Import
What is House BL
What is ICD?
What is IHC – Inland Haulage Charges
What is intensive exam CET exam in US import clearance
What is Inter Unit Transfer (IUT) in STP
Is DP terms of payment safe in export business?
Is Letter of Credit LC safe for an Importer?
Is ON BOARD CERTIFICATE required for LC negotiation
What is LC Letter of Credit in export import business
What is legalization of documents by embassy?
What is LET EXPORT order in export trade?
What is Line number in IGM
Import General Manifest (IGM)
Importance of Bill of Lading
Introduction to this web site.
Is Airway bill a documents of title?
Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services
GST Exemption list of goods and services
Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST
GST registration guidelines
Indian GST Laws
How to export your goods?
Learn exports imports free of cost
Difference between IGST on International goods and IGST on domestic goods.
How is IGST calculated under Imports?
How is IGST rate on imports treated?
GST and e-Commerce Business, FAQ
Definition of E-Commerce under GST
TDS under GST, Frequently Asked Questions
Impact of GST on imports in India
Applicable import duty after GST implantation
How to calculate IGST under imports?
Changes in IEC after GST
Linking IEC with GSTIN in customs
Minimized GST rate on Duty credit scrips
Diminished GST rate on Rubber waste, parings or scrap
Reduced GST rate on Modelling paste for children amusement
Revised GST rate on Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors for mineral oils
Revised GST rate on Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers
Revised GST rate on Fork-lift trucks
CUSTOMS Notification No. 77 of 2017 dt 13th October, 2017
Integrated Tax (Rate) Notification No. 40 of 2017 DT 18th October, 2017, GST
Union territory tax (Rate) Notification No. 39 of 2017 DT 18th October, 2017, GST
Central Tax (Rate) Notification No 39 of 2017 dt 18th October, 2017 under GST
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