The information provided here is part of Online export import business guide course

Normally, various types of products are imported to each country. As we know, any goods arriving from other countries have to be ‘passed out’ of customs department of respective country. The officials of customs department need not have thorough knowledge of each product importing. If the customs department requires more information on the quality or local price of the product, a sample of goods is drawn and arrange to send respective inspection agencies specialized. Once after getting report on test samples drawn, customs department appraise the value of goods and release the goods to importer. Read more details
Read more details - Documents required for import clearance How to know the quality, quantity or contents of goods before import customs clearance
The above information is a part of Guide on howtoexport and import
Other details on how to import export
How to open an LC procedures to open an Letter of Credit
What is SGS Inspection in Exports and Imports?
How to send export samples to foreign buyer? Tips to send samples to foreign buyer
What happens, if cargo not cleared by importer
What is Bank Guarantee to customs in Import
How to file bill of entry Manually. What is manual filing of Import Documents.
Excise and Customs - Click here to read complete notification under Budget 2014
How to get Export Orders?
How to settle dispute in Exports and Imports?
Click here to know India Trade Classification(ITC)
Click here to know HS code of other product/commodity
Pre shipment bank finance to suppliers for exports through other agencies
Types of export containers
Measurement of export containers
Export Import Policy of India 2015-20
MEIS, Merchandise Exports from India Scheme
SEIS, Service Exports from India Scheme
Merge your Commercial Invoice and Packing List for all your future exports
Export procedures and documentation
How to obtain waiver on detention/ demurrage on imported goods/container from Shipping company/CFS
Unclean Bill of Lading/Claused bill of lading/foul bill of lading/Dirty Bill of Lading
USDA hold by US customs for import cargo
Vessel sailing in export business
How to amend measurements in IGM (Import General Manifest) in India
How to amend number of packages in Import General Manifest (IGM)
We have IEC, can we export from all ports?
What are the legal documents in exports
What does ECGC do on default of payment of any overseas buyer?
What happens if Date difference in HBL & MBL
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Triangular shipment
Types of Insurance Documents.
What happens if overseas buyer not paid export bills discounted.
What happens if proper tracking of goods not effected in export import business?
What happens if your buyer rejects cargo? What are the major problems if consignee not taken delivery of cargo?
What happens, if Bank not received money from buyer after discounting of export bills?
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Triangular shipment
Types of Insurance Documents.
How to make DA mode of payment safe
How to make delay in delivery of Shipment?
How to minimize import cargo clearance time? An open logic proposal to WTO
What happens, if cargo not cleared by importer
What happens, if HAWB number marks wrongly
What happens, once Bill of Entry for Imports files?
What is ‘Combined Bill of Lading’
How to obtain a duplicate BL, if original bill of lading lost.
How to obtain GSP - Certificate of Origin?
How to obtain Phyto sanitary certificate. What is phytosanitary certification
How to obtain waiver on detention/ demurrage on imported goods/container from Shipping company/CFS
What is ‘Late BL release charges’
What is ATA carnet and how ATA carnet works?
What is Bank Guarantee to customs in Import
What is Bond execution with customs in imports and exports
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Triangular shipment
Types of Insurance Documents.
What is Brand Rate in Duty Drawback
What is BVQI inspection on export goods?
What is charter party bill of lading ?
What is CIF terms of delivery in Exports and Imports?
What is Clean on board Bill of Lading
What is co-loading
What is Commercial enforcement hold for import cargo in US
What is consolidation of cargo What is LCL cargo less container load cargo
What is Crating in Exports and Imports
What is CT3 form. How to get CT3. Why CT3 required
What is customs bonded area in exports and imports
What is DDP terms in an export Import Business?
What is Dry Port
What is DTA in export import trade?
What is ECGC and how does ECGC protect exporters?
What is EPCG How EPCG works in Export Import trade?
What is Ex-factory terms in Imports and Exports