No EDD charges under SVB for EOUs/SEZs
1%EDD shall not be insisted upon in respect of imports/exports made by EOUs/SEZs in terms of EPCES Circular No.50 dated 19-01-2009 issued by the Export Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZs, New Delhi.
The details of circular is given here:

This post is one of the series of posts explaining in detail about Special Valuation Branch. I have tried to include maximum information about Special Valuation Branch in these articles in simple language. Hope, these articles suffice your needs to get complete information about Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs department.
Special Valuation Branch, A simple tutorial
How to register with SVB?
List of Documents required to be submitted in case of subsidiaries,collaboration agreement etc.
List of documents required to be submitted in case of sole agents, sole distributer etc under SVB.
Questionnaire under Special Valuation Branch
Method of customs valuation under Special Valuation Branch SVB
Transaction value under Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Procedure for Renewal of SVB (Special Valuation Branch) order
Criticism against Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs
Special Valuation Branch – Frequently Asked Questions
Finalization of Special Valuation Branch (SVB) cases
Customs procedures on Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Documents required to be submitted to SVB
Not registered with SVB, What are the procedures?
Who should register with SVB (Special Valuation Branch)
Appeal on the orders of SVB What is Section 14(1) of Indian Customs Act, 1962?
Organizational Structure of Special Valuation Branch
What is Rule 10 of Customs Valuation (Imports) explained?
What is Rule 3(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007?
What are the measuring rods included in Transaction value of imported goods?
Rule 2(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported Goods) Rules, 2007
Rule 2(1) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007
Guidelines to Special Valuation Branch (SVB) as per Circular No. 11/2001-Cus., dated 23-2-2001 Indian Customs
The format of PD Bond for Special Valuation Branch
Circular No 50 dt 29th January 2009
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