Update on 06th February, 2016: Click here: svb procedures.pdf
Documents required to be submitted to SVB
How to reply to questionnaire of Special Valuation Branch (SVB)?
This post is one of the series of posts explaining in detail about Special Valuation Branch. I have tried to include maximum information about Special Valuation Branchin these articles in simple language. Hope, these articles suffice you to get complete information about Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs department.
This post explains about the documents required to be submitted to Special valuation Branch (SVB)
The importer is required to submit replies to the questionnaire and furnish all the documents listed in “Annexure-B” or “Annexure-C” as the case may be. Annexure B is meant for Sole Agents/Sole Distributor/Sole Concessionaire where as Annexure C is required to be submitted by Subsidiaries or Holding companies and those who have collaboration agreement or similar agreements.

Replies can be furnished to the same without waiting for the receipt of questionnaire from the department. All the columns in the questionnaire shall be filled up without fail. Wherever, the reply is 'nil' or where the question is not applicable to the importer, the same shall be specifically stated instead of leaving the column blank. The importer shall also furnish all the documents mentioned in the annexure. If the documents listed in the annexure are not existing or not applicable to the importer, the same shall be specifically stated. All the pages of the questionnaire shall be signed by the importer or his authorized signatory with name and designation of the person signing them.
The Annexure A should be issued by the assessing group, dealing with particular imports, to the importer soon after it is decided to refer the case to a SVB. Annexure A is a set of questionnaire to be filled by importers or exporters who are related to the foreign supplier or purchaser.
Any importer to whom the questionnaire is issued should be instructed to furnish the reply to the referring Custom House as well as to the SVB within 30 days of receipt of the questionnaire. The questionnaire should be issued by the Custom House referring the case to the Special Valuation Branch. Traders who are importing the goods and selling the same in the same condition as they are imported shall furnish the invoice value, landed price, and their selling price in the Indian market. The difference between the selling price and landed cost shall be properly explained.
This post explains about the procedures and formalities to file documents with Special Valuation Branch (SVB). If you would like to add more information about the procedures and formalities of Special Valuation Branch (SVB), write below.
This post is one of the series of posts explaining in detail about Special Valuation Branch (SVB). I have tried to include maximum information about Special Valuation Branch in these articles in simple language. Hope, these articles suffice your needs to get complete information about Special Valuation Branchof Indian Customs department.
Share your thoughts about Special Valuation Branch (SVB).
Special Valuation Branch, A simple tutorial
How to register with SVB?
List of Documents required to be submitted in case of subsidiaries,collaboration agreement etc.
List of documents required to be submitted in case of sole agents, sole distributer etc under SVB.
Questionnaire under Special Valuation Branch
Method of customs valuation under Special Valuation Branch SVB
Transaction value under Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Procedure for Renewal of SVB (Special Valuation Branch) order
Criticism against Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs
Special Valuation Branch – Frequently Asked Questions
Finalization of Special Valuation Branch (SVB) cases
Customs procedures on Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Not registered with SVB, What are the procedures?
Who should register with SVB (Special Valuation Branch)
Appeal on the orders of SVB What is Section 14(1) of Indian Customs Act, 1962?
Organizational Structure of Special Valuation Branch
No EDD charges under SVB for EOUs/SEZs
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What is Rule 3(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007?
What are the measuring rods included in Transaction value of imported goods?
Rule 2(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported Goods) Rules, 2007
Rule 2(1) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007
Guidelines to Special Valuation Branch (SVB) as per Circular No. 11/2001-Cus., dated 23-2-2001 Indian Customs
The format of PD Bond for Special Valuation Branch
Circular No 50 dt 29th January 2009
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