Commodities not fall under GST in India
Do all items fall under GST tax basket in India? Are all items attracted GST? Any commodities kept outside the purview of GST?
At present (November,2016) three items do not fall under the purview of GST. The items proposed to be kept outside the purview of GST in India now (2016) are as follows:
Alcohol for human consumption
Alcohol for human consumption does not fall under the purview of GST in India at present. The taxes imposed to Alcohol for human consumption are continued as per the structure before GST implementation.
Petroleum Products viz. petroleum crude, motor spirit (petrol), high speed diesel, natural gas and aviation turbine fuel
Petroleum crude, motor spirit (petrol), high speed diesel, natural gas and aviation turbine fuel etc. are not attracted GST. However, the taxes for these products are attracted as per the structure before introduction of GST.
The category, Electricity has been kept aside under the purview of GST at present. So, electricity does not fall under GST at present. Hence, GST is not applicable for electricity. However, the taxes applicable at present for electricity is continued as before.
At present, the above items are kept outside the purview of GST in India.
The above information answers below clarifications:
What is the GST rate for Alcohol for human consumption in India? Is GST attracted for Petroleum Products in India? How much GST for petroleum crude? Any GST for motor spirit in India? Is GST charged for diesel in India? GST rate for electricity, Is GST payable for aviation turbine fuel? Is GST exempted for natural gas?
Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services
GST Exemption list of goods and services
Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST
GST registration guidelines
Indian GST Laws
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