Update on 06th February, 2016: Click here: svb procedures.pdf
Finalization of Special Valuation Branch (SVB) cases
This post is one of the series of posts explaining in detail about Special Valuation Branch. I have tried to include maximum information about Special Valuation Branch (SVB) in these articles in simple language. Hope, these articles suffice you to get complete information about Special Valuation Branchof Indian Customs department.
This post explains about the Finalization of Special Valuation Branch (SVB) cases

On receipt of replies to questionnaire and other documents, the SVB will examine the same and call for any other additional information that is required. Upon receipt of reply to the questionnaire within the prescribed time limit, the SVB will decide within 7 days whether the importer has replied to the questionnaire substantively. Otherwise, immediate further information not furnished will be sought before taking step for finalization of investigation. After furnishing of all the information, the importer may, if they so desire, appear for personal hearing and explain their case with regard to the acceptance of transaction value or otherwise. Thereafter, an Order-In-Original will be issued by the D.C(SVB) and the same will be intimated to the importer by registered post and copies will be endorsed to all the Appraising Groups. Where provisional assessment is being resorted to the investigation and finalization of the assessment must be completed within four months from the date of reply. If no decision is taken within 4 months, the extra duty deposit should be discontinued and the concerned DC/AC will be held responsible for inexplicable delay in finalization. Once the case is finalized by the Special Valuation Branch , the provisional assessments pending in the Appraising Groups will be finalized and the extra duty deposit paid at the time of provisional assessment will be adjusted in accordance with the SVB order. In all cases of loading, it is mandatory for the importer to quote Order in Original No. of SVB and indicate the percentage of loading at the time of filing of each Bill of Entry by them. If they do not quote the Order No. and the loading factor, it will be construed as misdeclaration on the part of importer and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Customs Act.
This post explains about the process of Finalization of Special Valuation Branch (SVB) cases
This post is one of the series of posts explaining in detail about Special Valuation Branch. I have tried to include maximum information about Special Valuation Branch (SVB) in these articles in simple language. Hope, these articles suffice your needs to get complete information about Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs department.
Would you like to share your thoughts and experience about Special Valuation Branch (SVB)? Comment below your views about Special Valuation Branch.
Special Valuation Branch, A simple tutorial
How to register with SVB?
List of Documents required to be submitted in case of subsidiaries,collaboration agreement etc.
List of documents required to be submitted in case of sole agents, sole distributer etc under SVB.
Questionnaire under Special Valuation Branch
Method of customs valuation under Special Valuation Branch SVB
Transaction value under Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Procedure for Renewal of SVB (Special Valuation Branch) order
Criticism against Special Valuation Branch of Indian Customs
Special Valuation Branch – Frequently Asked Questions
Customs procedures on Special Valuation Branch (SVB)
Documents required to be submitted to SVB
Not registered with SVB, What are the procedures?
Who should register with SVB (Special Valuation Branch)
Appeal on the orders of SVB What is Section 14(1) of Indian Customs Act, 1962?
Organizational Structure of Special Valuation Branch
No EDD charges under SVB for EOUs/SEZs
What is Rule 10 of Customs Valuation (Imports) explained?
What is Rule 3(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007?
What are the measuring rods included in Transaction value of imported goods?
Rule 2(2) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported Goods) Rules, 2007
Rule 2(1) of the Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Export Goods) Rules, 2007
Guidelines to Special Valuation Branch (SVB) as per Circular No. 11/2001-Cus., dated 23-2-2001 Indian Customs
The format of PD Bond for Special Valuation Branch
Circular No 50 dt 29th January 2009
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