Authorities to issue Certificate of origin under India Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS)
This post explains about the details of authorized offices in India to contact for obtaining certificate of origin under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS)
A couple of articles have been written about certificate of origin and its importance in international business in this website. Some of them are - Why need Certificate of Origin? How to obtain GSP - Certificate of Origin? Can Bill of Lading (BL) be before date of Certificate of origin GSP?
There are two major categories of agencies involved to issue certificate of origin for exporters, agencies involved issuing referential Certificate of origin and agencies authorized to issue non-preferential certificate of origin.
A detailed article about agencies authorized to issue non preferential certificate of origin has been discussed in this website.
Now let us discuss about the authorized offices to issue Certificate of Origin under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS). Who are authorized offices in India to issue certificate of origin under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS)?
India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS)
India and Thailand have signed protocol to implement Early Harvest Scheme under India- Thailand Free Trade Agreement on 01.09.2004.Tariff preferences for imports on items of Early Harvest Scheme would be available only to those products, which satisfy Rules of Origin Criteria, notified by Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, vide notification No.101/2004-Customs dated 31.08.2004.
The following offices are authorized to issue certificate of origin (preferential) under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS).
a.) Export Inspection Council (EIC)-for all goods
b.) Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)-for Marine products
In this post, the office contact details of agencies authorized to issue Certificate of Origin under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS) are explained. We hope, this information helps exporters in India to obtain Certificate of origin against their exports under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS).
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The above information is a part of Export Import Training course online
Comment below your experience and views about certificate of origin under India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS).
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