The information provided here is part of Online Export Import course
Why does Palletization require?
Packing plays a major role in transportation of goods under imports and exports. As you are aware, the goods are moved out to thousands of miles away from its origin. There may have different transshipment points on transit where the packages need to be shifted.
As you know, proper packing is a dare need for any goods moved out of a country as there are chances of damage to cargo on negligence. If any cargo needs to be handled with fork lift or other mechanical equipment, it has to be packed in pallets or other safer mode, so as to enable the crew to handle cargo without damaging during transit.

Normally, pallets are made with woods. Before palleting, the exporter must make sure that the woods used for pallets have been treated with necessary chemicals and fumigated to make free from dangerous organisms. Most of the countries demand this procedures with Certificate evidencing on fumigation. Palletization has to be effected in such a way to accommodate the required goods in good condition.
Proper nailing and fixing of each wooden material is required so as to enable the handling crew to move the pallets without any trouble or damage to cargo.
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