IHC – Inland Haulage Charges in Imports and Exports.
What is Inland Haulage Charges IHC? How does Inland Haulage Charges work? Is IHC applicable for shipments at port to port basis?
What does Inland Haulage Charges mean?

The term IHC - Inland Haulage Charges means, the transportation charges from inland container freight station to sea port of loading or vice versa. If Cargo freight station is away from sea port of loading, the shipper completes customs formalities at such container freight station and arranges to move cargo to port of loading either by rail or road. Normally, most of cargo in such locations is moved by rail. If moved by rail, the charges of moving goods from such location to port of loading or movement charges from port to inland freight station is known as Inland Haulage Charges.
Inland haulage charges vary CFS to CFS, as the distance from CFS to port of loading varies one to another. Inland Haulage Charges – IHC – is collected by shipping line while releasing Bill of lading for export shipments, and when issuing Delivery Order in case of import. Also read Difference between IHC and THC Any difference between Dry port and CFS.
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