e-governance of Foreign Trade, ease of doing business
This post explains about the details of e governance implemented by Director General of Foreign Trade DGFT as per Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20. The procedures to file application online with DGFT are also explained here.
As per foreign trade policy of India, e-governance is being implemented by Director General of Foreign Trade where exporters and importers can submit their application through online.
The main objectives of e-governance are:
(a) DGFT delivers most of its services on a transparent and efficient EDI platform using tools like Online filing of Applications, Message Exchange with Community Partners, Digital Signatures and Electronic payment of application fee. Use of EDI at DGFT has enabled faster processing, speedier communication by e-mail and on-line availability of application processing status. The endeavor is to achieve higher level of information sharing through SMS.

(b) Export Import related information including Acts, Rules, Policy & Procedures thereof including online DGFT portal can be accessed at http://dgft.gov.in/.
(c) All the DGFT Regional Authorities are EDI enabled and connected with the DGFT Central Server to provide online connectivity to EXIM community in a 24x7 environment.
(d) DGFT keeps expanding the scope and domain of EDI on a continuous basis. The endeavour is to achieve higher level of integration with community partners.
How to apply online with DGFT?
An exporter shall file his application online on DGFT website at http://dgft.gov.in/. Application will then be processed in accordance with prevalent rules and regulations. The processing of applications will be made online. DGFT shall issue deficiency letters, if any, in online mode or through use of e-mail. No communication shall be issued by DGFT in manual mode.
This post explains about the details of e governance implemented by Director General of Foreign Trade DGFT as per Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20. The procedures to file application online with DGFT are also explained here.
The above information is a part of Online Training Course on howtoexportimport
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The information provided here is part of Import Export Training course online