IGST exemption categories on Imports under GST Posted on 04 January 2019 Category : GST rates materials and consumables required for launch vehicles and for satellites and payloads (c) Ground equipment brought for testing of (a) 518. Any Used bona fide personal and household effects Nil Chapter belonging to a deceased person 519. Any Goods imported through postal parcels, packets Nil Chapter and letters, the CIF value of which is not more than one thousand rupees per consignment 520. Any Archaeological specimens, photographs, Nil Chapter plaster casts or antiquities, intended for exhibition for public benefit in a museum managed by the Archaeological Survey of IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST GST exempted categories for Importers Click here to know GST exempted list IGST exemption categories under GST Law Exemption on goods imported by Diplomatic missions, click here for more info Exemption on import by Inspection team of OPCW as per terms, click here for details Import of pedagogic materials exempted from IGST, click here for more info Temporary import of scientific equipment is exempted, click here for details Exemption to specified goods imported for display or use at specified event, click here Import by charitable organization as free gift is exempted from IGST, click here for details No IGST for importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising material, click here Import of containers of durable nature for re-export are exempted from IGST, click here Exemption on paper money, wool apparels from Indian Red Cross as gifts, Click here IGST exemption on items specified under notfn 151/94, Click here for details Import of Printed materials and items specified under Notfn 130/2010- click here Exemption on specified goods under Notification 10/2014, click here Specified goods imported by Vice President of India under Notfn 106/58 exempted Exemption on import of food articles by a foreigner not exceeding CIF value of Rs.1Lakh IGST exemption to imports relating to defence and internal security forces, click here for details Exempted on articles of foreign origin for repairs and return exported thereafter Exemption on import of research equipment to institutions, click here for details Import goods used for display on returnable basis exempts from IGST IGST exemption to Ministers on receipt of gift articles No IGST payable on receipt of challenge cups, trophies, prizes by Indian team IGST exemption on re-import as specified under Notification 43/96 No IGST payable on receipt of challenge trophies, cups, prizes by Defence forces Exemption of IGST on tour articles by Army, Navy or Air force as per Notfn 271/58 IGST exemption on re-import of goods not produced in India specified under Notfn 174/66 Exemption of IGST on re-import of Indian goods specified under notification 158/95 IGST exempted on re-imported goods specified under notification 241/82 Exemption of IGST on re-import of goods exported under schemes specified in notfn 94/96 IGST exemption on import of repairs, reconditioning, reengineering etc. as per Notification 134/94 Exemption of IGST on import of art works, antiques etc. for exhibition, Notification 26/2011 IGST exemption on re-import of unclaimed postal articles IGST exempted to engine and parts of aircraft as per Notification 117/61 Re-import of food, drink and catering cabin equipment as per Notification 26/62 IGST exemption to passenger baggage and transfer of residence IGST exemption on imports by SEZ units Concessional rate of IGST rate of 5% including domestic supplies IGST exemption on exhibition items benefited for government museums. No IGST on import through postal below Rs 1000 CIF value No IGST payable on personal and household effects belonging to a deceased person No IGST payable on scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, accessories etc. No IGST payable on movement of aircrafts, helicopters etc. IGST exemption on Goods imported for being tested in specified test centres No IGST for re-export of foreign origin film equipment No IGST payable on import of cameras, TV equipment by a foreign film unit IGST exemption on import of goods to and from Nepal, Bhutan [As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017] I. Multilateral/Bilateral Commitments – Imports by Privileges Persons, Organizations, Authorities and Foreigners S. Present Customs List of the notification No Notification No. and date 1. 3/57-Customs, dated 1. Goods imported by Diplomatic missions in India and 08.01.1957 their families, their personal and household effects, etc are exempted from import duties. 2. 121/2003-Customs, All the equipments and consumable samples imported into dated 01.08.2003 India, by the Inspection Team of the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, subject to the condition, inter alia, that such equipments shall be exported within six months of their import. 3. 46/74-Customs, dated Exemption to Pedagogic materials imported by educational 25.05.1974 institutions, etc. in pursuance of the Customs Convention on the temporary importation of pedagogic material, subject to the condition that the goods are re-exported within 6 months from the date of importation. 4. 84/71-Customs, dated Exemption to temporary import of Scientific equipments 11.09.1971 etc. by non-profit making scientific and educational institutions in pursuance of the Customs Convention on the temporary importation of scientific equipment, subject to the condition that the goods are re-exported within 6 months from the date of importation. 5 157/90-Customs, Exemption to specified goods imported for display or use dated 28.03.1990 at specified event such as meetings, exhibition, fairs or similar show or display, etc. which is being held in public interest and is sponsored or approved by the GoI or the ITPO [Schedule II events] or events organised by other organisations [Schedule III events] subject to the condition, inter alia, that the goods are imported under ATA Carnet for temporary admission and the said goods are re-exported within a period of 6 months from the date of importation. 6 148/94-Customs, Exemption to: dated 13.07.1994 (a) Foodstuffs, medicines, medical stores of perishable nature, clothing and blankets, imported by a charitable organization as free gift to it from abroad and meant for free distribution to the poor and the needy, (b) Goods imported by the Red Cross Society for purposes of relief to distressed persons, (c) Drugs, medicines and medical equipments required for the treatment of the victims of the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster, India or by a State Government 357A. 84 or any Goods specified in List 34 required in 5% other connection with: This will apply Chapter (a) petroleum operations undertaken under to domestic petroleum exploration licenses or mining supplies also. leases, granted by the Government of India or any State Government to the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation or Oil India