IGST exemption categories on Imports under GST


materials  and  consumables  required  for


launch  vehicles  and  for  satellites  and




(c)  Ground equipment brought for testing of






Used bona fide personal and household effects





belonging to a deceased person




Goods imported through postal parcels, packets





and letters, the CIF value of which is not more


than one thousand rupees per consignment












plaster   casts



intended  for


exhibition for public benefit in a museum


managed by the Archaeological Survey of


IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST

15GST exempted categories for Importers


Click here to know GST exempted list


IGST exemption categories under GST Law

Exemption on goods imported by Diplomatic missions, click here for more info

Exemption on import by Inspection team of OPCW as per terms, click here for details

Import of pedagogic materials exempted from IGST, click here for more info

Temporary import of scientific equipment is exempted, click here for details

Exemption to specified goods imported for display or use at specified event, click here

Import by charitable organization as free gift is exempted from IGST, click here for details

No IGST for importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising material, click here

Import of containers of durable nature for re-export are exempted from IGST, click here

Exemption on paper money, wool apparels from Indian Red Cross as gifts, Click here

IGST exemption on items specified under notfn 151/94, Click here for details

Import of Printed materials and items specified under Notfn 130/2010- click here

Exemption on specified goods under Notification 10/2014, click here

Specified goods imported by Vice President of India under Notfn 106/58 exempted

Exemption on import of food articles by a foreigner not exceeding CIF value of Rs.1Lakh

IGST exemption to imports relating to defence and internal security forces, click here for details

Exempted on articles of foreign origin for repairs and return exported thereafter

Exemption on import of research equipment to institutions, click here for details

Import goods used for display on returnable basis exempts from IGST

IGST exemption to Ministers on receipt of gift articles

No IGST payable on receipt of challenge cups, trophies, prizes by Indian team

IGST exemption on re-import as specified under Notification 43/96

No IGST payable on receipt of challenge trophies, cups, prizes by Defence forces

Exemption of IGST on tour articles by Army, Navy or Air force as per Notfn 271/58

IGST exemption on re-import of goods not produced in India specified under Notfn 174/66

Exemption of IGST on re-import of Indian goods specified under notification 158/95

IGST exempted on re-imported goods specified under notification 241/82


Exemption of IGST on re-import of goods exported under schemes specified in notfn 94/96

IGST exemption on import of repairs, reconditioning, reengineering etc. as per Notification 134/94

Exemption of IGST on import of art works, antiques etc. for exhibition, Notification 26/2011

IGST exemption on re-import of unclaimed postal articles

IGST exempted to engine and parts of aircraft as per Notification 117/61

Re-import of food, drink and catering cabin equipment as per Notification 26/62

IGST exemption to passenger baggage and transfer of residence

IGST exemption on imports by SEZ units

Concessional rate of IGST rate of 5% including domestic supplies

IGST exemption on exhibition items benefited for government museums.

No IGST on import through postal below Rs 1000 CIF value

No IGST payable on personal and household effects belonging to a deceased person

No IGST payable on scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, accessories etc.

No IGST payable on movement of aircrafts, helicopters etc.

IGST exemption on Goods imported for being tested in specified test centres

No IGST for re-export of foreign origin film equipment

No IGST payable on import of cameras, TV equipment by a foreign film unit


IGST exemption on import of goods to and from Nepal, Bhutan


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]


I. Multilateral/Bilateral Commitments Imports by Privileges Persons, Organizations, Authorities and Foreigners



Present Customs

List of the notification


Notification No. and





3/57-Customs, dated

1.  Goods imported by Diplomatic missions in India and



their families, their personal and household effects, etc


are exempted from import duties.



All the equipments and consumable samples imported into


dated 01.08.2003

India,  by  the  Inspection  Team  of  the  Organization  of


Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, subject to the condition,


inter alia, that such equipments shall be exported within


six months of their import.



46/74-Customs, dated

Exemption to Pedagogic materials imported by educational



institutions, etc. in pursuance of the Customs Convention


on the temporary importation of pedagogic material, subject


to the condition that the goods are re-exported within 6


months from the date of importation.



84/71-Customs, dated

Exemption to temporary import of Scientific equipments



etc.  by  non-profit  making  scientific  and  educational


institutions in pursuance of the Customs Convention on


the temporary importation of scientific equipment, subject


to the condition that the goods are re-exported within 6


months from the date of importation.




Exemption to specified goods imported for display or use


dated 28.03.1990

at specified event such as meetings, exhibition, fairs or


similar show or display, etc. which is being held in public


interest and is sponsored or approved by the GoI or the


ITPO [Schedule II events] or events organised by other


organisations [Schedule III events] subject to the condition,


inter alia, that the goods are imported under ATA Carnet for


temporary admission and the said goods are re-exported


within a period of 6 months from the date of importation.




Exemption to:


dated 13.07.1994

(a)  Foodstuffs, medicines,  medical stores of  perishable


nature,   clothing   and   blankets,   imported   by   a


charitable organization as free gift to it from abroad


and meant for free distribution to the poor and the




(b)  Goods  imported  by  the  Red  Cross  Society  for


purposes of relief to distressed persons,


(c)  Drugs, medicines and medical equipments required for


the treatment of the victims of the Bhopal Gas Leak






India or by a State Government



84 or any

Goods  specified  in  List  34  required  in





connection with:


This will apply



(a) petroleum

operations  undertaken





petroleum  exploration  licenses  or  mining

supplies also.


leases, granted by the Government of India


or any State  Government  to  the  Oil  and


Natural  Gas







IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]


Limited on nomination basis,


(b)  petroleum operations undertaken under specified contracts


(c)   petroleum operations undertaken under specified contracts under the New Exploration Licensing Policy


(d)  petroleum operations undertaken under specified contracts under the Marginal Field Policy (MFP)


(e)   coal bed methane operations undertaken under specified contracts under the Coal Bed Methane Policy.


IV. Exemption from IGST on imports by a SEZ unit or SEZ developer for authorized operations


  1. Exemption from IGST from bonafide passenger baggage and transfer of residence






Item covered






Exemption from IGST



on goods imported by a passenger or a member of a crew in his


baggage. [Does not apply to motor vehicles, alcoholic beverages,

  IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]




Goods imported by the Cooperative for Assistance and


Relief Everywhere Incorporated (CARE) under the


Agreement between the President of India and CARE.


Supplies  and  equipments  imported  shall  be  re-


exported when no longer required for the purposes and


cannot be sold to a third party,



Goods   imported   into   India   for   relief   and


rehabilitation  purposes,  in  accordance  with  the


terms of any agreement in force between the GoI


and any foreign Government. These goods cannot


be sold or otherwise disposed of in India except with


the prior approval or subject to conditions as may be


prescribed by the GoI.



Articles of food and edible material supplied as free


gifts to the GoI by the agencies approved by the


UNO or the EEC,



Articles  donated  to  the  GoI  for  use  of  defence


personnel or donated to the National Defence Fund


tobacco and tobacco products]



on goods imported by a person of India origin on his return to India


[Transfer of Residence Notification No 26/2016-Customs ]



on one lap top imported by a passenger of 18 years or more age


[Notification No. 11/2004-Customs]


Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services

GST Exemption list of goods and services

Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST

GST registration guidelines

Indian GST Laws

How to export your goods?

Difference between IGST and SGST

Types of GST in India

Modes of payment for GST payments

GST payment through Internet Banking

How to pay GST through NEFT RTGS

GST collection Banks

How to pay GST tax through Bank?

Cash, Cheques or DD payment under GST, Goods and Service Tax

GST payments, list of Banks authorised in Centre and States

GST payment errors between GSTN and RBI

Double payment error in GST tax payments

Challan Format of GST Tax payment

GST Tax payment, error in Total amount, How to solve?

GST Tax payment error in major head, how to solve?

GST Tax payment error in GSTIN

Difference between CGST and IGST

GST on Imports in India

Difference between CGST and SGST

What is SGST in brief?

What is IGST in brief?

What is CGST in brief?

Difference between GST and SGST     

Difference between GST and CGST

Difference between IGST and GST

How to export goods from India?

How to get Export Order?

Export benefit schemes in India

Export procedures and documentation

Types of Insurance Documents
How does CENVAT Credit work? 
Import General Manifest (IGM)
om" width="365">

and  dispatched  by  the  Indian  Mission  in  the


country where they were donated,



Goods gifted or supplied free of cost under a bilateral


agreement   between   the   GoI   and   a   Foreign






Exemption to:


dated 13.07.1994

(a) Samples


accordance  with




Convention   to   facilitate   the   importation   of


Commercial  Samples  and  Advertising  material


drawn  up  at  Geneva  and  dated  the  7th  day  of


November, 1952,


(b) Price lists supplied free of charge in accordance with the


Convention mentioned above,


(c) Commercial samples upto Rs.3 lakh in value in case


of gem and jewellery industry and Rs.1 lakh in case


of any other industry, and not exceeding 50 units in


number in a year, imported as personal baggage by


bona  fide  commercial  travellers  Importance of Bill of Lading 
 Is Airway bill a documents of title?
Is Customs House Agents (CHA ) required to be appointed mandatory?
Is DP terms of payment safe in export business?
Is Letter of Credit LC safe for an Importer?
Is ON BOARD CERTIFICATE required for LC negotiation
 What is VACIS exam in US import customs clearance
When can an exporter release bill of lading from shipping company?
When does exporter get EP copy of shipping bill after customs clearance
How does CFR term of delivery work in Export Import business
How does comprehensive policy of ECGC work for exporters?
The role of CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs in India.


No GST payable on sale of Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls. Other live animals such as Mammals, Birds, Insects] falls under GST exemption list Concessional rate of GST on Other live animals such as Mammals, Birds, Insects].

All goods other than in frozen state and put up in unit containers is exempted to pay GST. GST concession on Meat of bovine animals, fresh and chilled. No GST payable on Meat of swine, fresh or chilled. GST on Meat of sheep or goats, fresh or chilled is nil rate. No GST payable on Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh or chilled. Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading 0105, fresh or chilled falls under GST exemption list. concessional rate of GST on Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh or chilled. Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled fall under GST exempted items

Fish seeds, prawn / shrimp seeds whether or not processed, cured or in frozen state is exempted to pay GST. GST concession on all goods, other than processed, cured or in frozen state. No GST payable on Live fish. GST on Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading is nil rate. No GST payable on Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled. Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, chilled falls under GST exemption list What is the concessional rate of GST on Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled. Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh or chilled fall under GST exempted items.

No GST payable for Fresh milk and pasteurised milk, including separated milk, milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, excluding Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk. Eggs Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked fall under GST exemption list. Need not to pay GST on my product Curd. Lassi is exempted from paying GST. No GST applicable for Butter milk. Chena or paneer, other than put up in unit containers and bearing a registered brand name is exempted to pay GST. No GST concession on sale of Natural honey, other than put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name.

GST is not payable on Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair Semen including frozen semen.

GST on Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage is nil rate

GST is not payable on sale of Fresh vegetables, roots and tubers other than those in frozen or preserved state Potatoes, fresh or chilled falls under GST exemption list What is the concessional rate of GST on Tomatoes, fresh or chilled. Onions, shallots, garlic, leeor  businessmen  or


imported by post or air,


(d) Prototypes

of  engineering  goods




samples for executing or for use in connection with


securing export orders subject to mutilation / re-export,


(e) Bonafide

commercial  samples





value upto Rs.10,000 and supplied free of charge.




Exemption to containers of durable nature subject to re-


dated 16.03.1994

export within 6 months from the date of their importation.




Exemption to:


dated 04.02.2003


a)  paper money; and


b)  wool,  woollen  fabrics   and  woollen  apparels


received as gifts by the Indian Red Cross.



IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]


ks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled falls under GST exempted items. No GST payable for sale of Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), fresh or chilled fall under GST exemption list. No need to pay GST on my product. No GST on Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled. Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled exempt from paying GST. No GST applicable for Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled. Other vegetables, fresh or chilled is exempted to pay GST. No GST concession on sale of Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared. GST is not payable on Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split. Nil GST rate on Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh or chilled; sago pith is nil rate

GST is not payable on Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair Semen including frozen semen. GST on Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage is nil rate. GST is not payable on sale of Fresh vegetables, roots and tubers other than those in frozen or preserved state Potatoes, fresh or chilled falls under GST exemption list What is the concessional rate of GST on Tomatoes, fresh or chilled. No GST payable on sale of Fresh fruits other than in frozen state or preserved Coconuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled falls under GST exemption list. Exempted to pay GST on 0802 Other nuts, fresh such as Almonds, Hazelnuts or filberts (Coryius spp.), walnuts, Chestnuts (Castanea spp.), Pistachios, Macadamia nuts, Kola nuts (Cola spp.), Areca nuts. Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried fall under GST exempted items. No GST payable for sale of Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh. Citrus fruit, such as Oranges, Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, Grapefruit, including pomelos, Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia), fresh fall under GST exemption list. No need to pay GST on my product Grapes, fresh Goods Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas), fresh exempted from paying GST. GST on All goods of seed quality is nil rate

No GST payable on sale of Coffee beans, not roasted

Unprocessed green leaves of tea, falls under GST exemption list

No GST on Fresh ginger and fresh turmeric other than in processed form?

All goods [other than those put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name] fall under GST exempted items

No GST payable for sale of Wheat and meslin

Rye falls under GST exemption list

No need to pay GST on my product Barley

Sale of Oats exempted from paying GST

No GST applicable for Maize (corn)

Rice is exempted to pay GST

No GST on sale of Grain sorghum?

GST is not payable on Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals such as Jawar, Bajra, Ragi]

Nil rate of GST on Flour Aata, maida, besan etc. [other than those put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name] is nil rate

No GST payable on sale of Wheat or meslin flour

1102 Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin i.e. maize (corn) flour, Rye flour, etc falls under GST exemption list

No GST on Cereal groats, meal and pellets, other than those put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name

Flour, of potatoes.fall under GST exempted items

No GST payable for sale of Flour, of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading (pulses), of sago or of roots or tubers of heading or of the products of Chapter 8 i.e. of tamarind, of singoda, mango flour, etc

All goods of seed quality fall under GST exemption list

No GST payable on my product Soya beans, whether or not broken.

Groundnuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken exempted from paying GST

No GST applicable for Linseed, whether or not broken

1205 Rape or colza seeds, whet



Exemption to:


dated 13.07.1994

(a) Fuel in the tanks of the aircrafts of an Indian Airline or


of the Indian Air Force subject to the condition, inter


alia, that the quantity of the said fuel is equal to the


quantity of the same type of fuel which was taken out


of India in the tanks of the aircrafts of the same


Indian Airline or of the Indian Air Force, and on


which the duty of Customs, or Central Excise had been


paid; and the rate of duty of customs (including the


additional duty leviable under the said section 3) or the


rate of duty of Central Excise, as the case may be,


leviable on such fuel is the same at the time of the


arrivals and departures of such aircrafts;


(b) Lubricating oil, imported in the engines of any aircraft


registered in India or of any aircraft of the Indian Air





Specified  goods  imported  by  the  United  Arab


Airlines which will be carried on individual aircraft for


use in hangars and which are flown back on the same




(d) Aircraft equipment, engines and spare parts imported by


the Air India International or the Indian Airlines having


been borrowed by the aforesaid airlines for fitment


to their aircraft from foreign airlines outside India


or from the foreign  manufacturers of  the prime


equipment subject to the condition, that the said goods


are being imported for fitment and re-export; and the


said goods are re-exported within one month from the


date of their importation into India.



Exemption to printed ticket stocks, airway bills, any printed


dated 23.12.2010

material which bears the insignia of the importing airline


printed thereon including baggage tags, publicity material


for distribution free of charge when imported into India by


a designated airline.




Exemption to specified goods, when imported into India for


dated 12.05.2014

display or use at any specified event specified subject to


the condition, inter alia, that the specified event is being


held in public interest and is sponsored or approved by the


Government of India or the India Trade Promotion


Organization;  and  that  the  said  goods  are  imported


under an FICCI/TAITRA Carnet issued in accordance


with   the   Agreement   between   the   India-Taipei


Association in  Taipei and the Taipei Economic  and


Cultural Center in India on the FICCI/TAITRA Carnet


for the Temporary Admission of Goods signed on 20th


March, 2013 and the Carnet is guaranteed by the Federation

her or not broken is exempted to pay GST

No GST on sale of Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken

GST is not payable on Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (i.e. Palm nuts and kernels, cotton seeds, Castor oil seeds, Sesamum seeds, Mustard seeds, Saffower (Carthamus tinctorius) seeds, Melon seeds, Poppy seeds, Ajams, Mango kernel, Niger seed, Kokam) whether or not broken

Exempted GST on Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing is nil rate

No GST payable on sale of Hop cones, fresh .

Exempted GST on Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purpose, fresh or chilli falls under GST exemption list.

No GST on Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh or chilled

Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets falls under GST exempted items

No GST payable for sale of Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets.

Lac and Shellac falls under GST exemption list

No GST payable on Betel leaves

Cane jaggery (gur) exempts from paying GST

No GST applicable for Puffed rice, commonly known as Muri, flattened or beaten rice, commonly known as Chira, parched rice, commonly known as khoi, parched paddy or rice coated with sugar or gur, commonly known as Murki

Pappad, by whatever name it is known, except when served for consumption [1905] is exempted to pay GST

No GST on sale of Bread (branded or otherwise), except when served for consumption and pizza bread

IGST not payable on Prasadam supplied by religious places like temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, dargahs, etc.

GST on Water [other than aerated, mineral, purified, distilled, medicinal, ionic, battery, de-mineralized and water sold in sealed container] is nil rate.

Nil rate of GST payable on sale of Non-alcoholic Toddy, Neera

Tender coconut water put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name falls under GST exemption list

No rate of GST on Aquatic feed, poultry feed & cattle feed, including grass, hay & straw, supplement & husk of pulses, concentrates & additives, wheat bran & de-oiled cake

Common salt, by whatever name it is known, including iodized and other fortified salts, sendha namak [rock salt], kala namak fall under GST exempted items.

No GST payable for sale of Human Blood and its components

All types of contraceptives fall under GST exemption list

No GST payable on my product Organic manure, other than put up in unit containers and bearing a brand name

Kumkum, Bindi, Sindur, Alta [3304] exempt from paying GST

No GST applicable for Municipal waste, sewage sludge, clinical waste

Plastic bangles is exempted to pay GST

No GST tax on sale of Condoms and contraceptives

No GST payable on Firewood or fuel wood

Exempted GST on Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated

No GST payable on sale of Judicial, Nonjudicial stamp papers, Court fee stamps when sold by the Government Treasuries or Vendors authorized by the Government, Postal items, like envelope, Post card etc., sold by Government, rupee notes when sold to the Reserve Bank of India & Cheques, lose or in book form

No GST on Printed books, including Braille books and newspaper, periodicals & journals, maps, atlas, chart & globe Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material. Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and globes, printed. falls under GST exemption list

No rate of GST on ceramic Earthen pot and clay lamps

Glass and glassware Bangles (except those made from precious metals) fall under GST exempted items

No GST payable for sale of Agricultural implements manually operated or animal driven

No GST on Hand tools, such as spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry fall under GST exemption list

No need to pay GST on Handloom

Spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles exempted from paying GST

No GST applicable for – Parts of goods of heading 8801

Hearing aids is exempted to pay GST

No GST payable on sale of Indigenous handmade musical instruments

GST not payable on Slate pencils and chalk sticks

GST on Slates is nil rate


IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]



of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India


(hereinafter referred to as FICCI ).




Exemption to goods imported by the Vice President of


dated 29.03.1958

India on appointment or during his tenure of office.



Articles for personal use;



Food,  drink,  tobacco  for  consumption  of  Vice-


President’s household



articles for furnishing



motor cars for Vice-President’s use



Exemption to foodstuffs and

provisions (excluding fruit


dated 17.07.1989

products, alcohol and tobacco) when imported into India


by a person residing in India, not being a citizen of India


subject to the condition, inter alia, that the CIF value of such


goods imported in a year does not exceed Rs.1 lakh.



39/96-Customs, dated

Exemption  to  imports  relating  to  defence  and  internal



security forces.



Medals and decorations imported directly by the GoI


in the Ministry of Defence.



Personal effects of the persons on duty out of India with


the naval, military or air forces or with the Indian Navy


or Central Para Military Forces if imported for delivery


to the next of kin of such person if he dies or is


wounded, is missing or is taken prisoner of war.



Bona fide gifts from donors abroad when imported for


the  maintenance  of  war  graves  by  an  institution


subject to certification by the Ministry of Defence.



Imported stores purchased out of  bonded stocks


lying in a warehouse intended to be supplied free by the


Government for the use of the crew of a ship of the


Coast Guard Organization.



Goods  imported  for  trial,  demonstration  or  training


before any authority under the MoD or MHA in the GoI


subject to certification by MoD or MHA and subject to


the condition that the goods are re-exported within a


period of 2 years from the date of importation.



Goods imported by the National Technical Research


Organization  (NTRO).  This  exemption  is  valid  till






Exemption to:


dated 13.07.1994

1. Articles of foreign origin for repairs and return,


2. Theatrical equipment including costumes for use by a


foreign theatrical company or dancing troupe and re-


exported thereafter,


3. Photographic,  filming,

sound-recording  and  radio


equipments,  raw  films,  video  tapes  and  sound


recording tapes imported in public interest and has


been sponsored by the GoI and subject to certification


by the Ministry of I&B and subsequent re-export,


IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]



4. Mountaineering






foodstuffs and provisions (excluding alcoholic drinks,


cigarettes and tobacco), medical stores, imported by a


mountaineering expedition and subject to re-export,


51/96-Customs, dated

Exemption to research equipments imported by:



(a)  Public funded research institutions or a university or


an Indian Institute of Technology or Indian Institute


of  Science,  Bangalore  or  Regional  Engineering


College, other than a hospital,



Research institutions, other than a hospital,




and   laboratories   of   the   Central


Government  and  State  Government,  other  than  a




(d)  Regional Cancer Center (Cancer Institute),


subject to, inter alia, registration with the DSIR.



8/2016-Custms, dated

Exemption to goods imported for display or use at specified



event  [fair,  exhibition]  subject  to  re-export  within  6


months from the date of clearance of the imported goods.




Exemption to:


dated 23.12.1983

(a) Articles of gift received from any foreign government


by Union or State Ministers and specified public


servants and imported as baggage,


(b) Articles  of  gift

imported  into  India  by  a  foreign


dignitary, visiting India for any official purposes, as


part of his baggage and to be gifted to Union or State


Ministers and specified public servants.




Exemption to:


dated 13.07.1994

(a) Challenge Cups and Trophies awarded to an Indian


team  in  connection  with  its  participation  in  a


tournament outside India and brought by it into


India  for  being  kept  with  an  Official  Sports




(b) Medals and trophies awarded to members of Indian


teams  for  their  participation  in  international


tournaments or competitions outside India,



Prizes won by any member of an Indian Team if the


team has participated in any international tournament or


competition in relation to any sport or game, with the


approval of the GoI in the Department of Youth Affairs


and Sports,


(d) Trophy  when  imported  into  India  by  the  National


Sports   Federation   recognized   by   the   Central


Government or any Sports


Body for


being awarded to

the winning team in the







tournament and World Cup event to be held in







IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]



43/96-Customs, dated

Exemption to specified goods on which a manufacturing




process was undertaken in India and which were exported


out of India for carrying out further manufacturing process


of coating, electroplating or polishing or a combination of


one or more of these processes, as the case may be, when


re-imported  into  India  after  completion  of  the  said


processes, from the customs  duty leviable on the value of


goods which were exported i.e. customs duty is leviable on


the value of the fair cost of the said processes carried out


abroad (whether such cost is actually incurred or not) and


insurance and freight, both ways.





Exemption to Challenge cups and trophies:


dated 11.10.1958


(a) Which have been won by any unit of the Defence


Forces in India or by a particular member or members


of such unit in a competition; or


(b) Which  are  being  re-imported  and  which  before


being exported has been won by any such unit or


member or members of a unit in a competition; or


(c) Which have been sent by donors resident abroad for


presentation to or competition among such units or


members of such units.




Exemption to articles re-imported by or along with a unit


dated 25.10.1958


of the Army, the Navy or the Air force or a Central Para


[Since  superseded


Military Force on the occasion of its return to India after a


tour  of  service  abroad  subject  to  satisfaction  of  the





Commissioner of Customs that these articles were exported


17/2017-Cus   dated   21-04-


by or along with such unit on the occasion of its departure




from India on such tour.





Goods not produced or manufactured in India, which are


dated 24.09.1966


private personal property and which prior to their import


into India have been exported therefrom and re-imported


within three years from the date of export.





Exemption to:


dated 14.11.1995


(a) Goods manufactured in India and parts of such goods


whether  of  Indian  or  foreign  manufacture  and  re-


imported into India for repairs or for reconditioning.


(b) Goods  manufactured  in  India  and  re-imported  for


reprocessing or refining or remaking.


Subject  to  the  condition,  inter  alia,  that  goods  are  re-


imported within one / three years from the date of export


[10 years in the case of Nepal and Bhutan]; that goods are


re-exported within 6 months of re-import, etc.





Exemption to goods [on their re-import] not produced or


dated 04.11.1982


manufactured in India and on which the duty of customs


leviable has been paid at the time of their importation into



IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]



India  and  which  were  exported  out  of  India  for  the


execution of a contract approved by the Reserve Bank of


India in connection with any commercial and industrial


(including constructional) activities.


In the case of goods on which any alterations, renovations,


additions or repairs have been executed subsequent to their


export, IGST will be payable on the value equal to the


cost  of  such  alterations,  renovations,  additions  or


repairs while the goods were abroad.



94/96-Customs,  dated

Exemption to:




re-import of goods exported under claim of any


export scheme [drawback, rebate, bond, DEEC or





re-import of goods sent abroad for repairs etc.



re-import of cut and polished precious and semi-


precious stones sent abroad for some treatment [para


4A.20.1 of the FTP]



Import of parts components of aircrafts replaced or


removed during the course of maintenance in a SEZ.


For (a), for goods exported prior to 1st of July, the repayment will


go to Centre in CVD account.


For exports after 1st July, the IGST paid will be apportioned.




Exemption to specified goods, when imported into India for


dated 22.06.1994

carrying  out  repairs,  reconditioning,  reengineering,


testing, calibration or maintenance (including service),


subject to the condition, inter alia, that



the repairs, reconditioning, reengineering, testing,


calibration or maintenance (including service) as the


case may be, is undertaken in accordance with the


provisions of section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962


(52 of 1962), and



the  goods  repaired,  reconditioned,  reengineered,


tested, calibrated or maintained (including service)


as the case may be, are exported and are not


cleared outside the Unit.



Exemption to:


dated 01.03.2011

(a) Works of art including statuary and pictures intended


for public exhibition in a museum or art gallery;


(b) Works of art namely memorials of a public character


intended to be put up in a public place including,


materials  used  or  to  be  used  in  their  construction,


whether worked or not;


(c) Antiques intended for public exhibition in a public


museum or national institution;


IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]



273/58-Cusoms, dated

Exemption to re-import of unclaimed postal articles which



were  originally  posted  in  India  and  re-imported  as


unclaimed, refused or redirected.




Exemption  to  engines  and  parts  of  aircraft,  when  re-


dated 13.10.61

imported into India after having been exported, from the


customs duty leviable on the value of goods which were


exported [customs duty is leviable on the cost of repair],


which includes the charges paid for the materials as well


as for labour, insurance and freight) in the following




(a) Engines and certain specified parts which fail abroad


and are re-imported.


(b) Engines or certain specified parts sent abroad as a stand-


by for replacement of a defective one and subsequently


brought back to India in the same condition without


being installed on an aircraft.


(c) Engines and certain specified parts lent by an Indian


company to a foreign Company.


26/62-Customs,  dated

Exemption to catering cabin equipments and food and drink



on re-importation by the aircrafts of the Indian Airlines


Corporation from foreign flights subject to the condition


that the goods were not taken on board at any foreign port


or place.



26/62-Customs, dated

Exemption to catering cabin equipments and food and drink



on re-importation by the aircrafts of the Indian Airlines



II. Exemption for goods in transit to and from Nepal Bhutan [land locked countries] Notification No 38/96 –Customs.





List of the notification




Goods imported;



from foreign country for the purpose of exports to Bhutan or Nepal;



from Bhutan or Nepal into India for exports to foreign Country.



IGST Exemptions/Concessions under GST


[As per discussions in the GST Council Meeting held on 18th/19th May, 2017]


  1. III.                         Miscellaneous exemptions - Notification No. 12/2012-Customs.



S. No.


Description of goods








/  tariff item



85 or any

Television  equipment,  cameras  and  other





equipment  for  taking  films,  imported  by  a



foreign film unit or television team



85 or any

Photographic, filming, sound recording and





radio equipment, raw films, video tapes and



sound re- cording tapes of foreign origin, if


imported  into  India  after  having  been


exported therefrom



85 or any

Goods imported for being tested in specified





test centres






All goods [aircrafts, helicopters etc.]






8802 60 00


that is space





88 or any

The following goods, namely :-






Satellites and payloads;






















parts,  components,



tools,  mock  ups   and  modules,   raw


Gajendra Singh: Please provide us GST and IGST on wallpaper for decoration wall import from China and what is amt input after sell my goods in india.

Soyeb Reza: GST %age on Proximity Switch to be used for the operation of a machine.

SHABIR AHMED SAMYAL: I am a physically handicapped person I want to purchase a Wagner car for my personal use who much GST I have to pay

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