Difference between GST and CGST


What is the difference between CGST and GST?

Difference between GST and CGSTWhat is CGST? How does GST work? How to compare GST and CGST?

The full form of GST is Goods and Service Tax. GST abolishes tax structure of indirect taxes in India widely by eliminating Central Excise Tax, Sales Tax/VAT, Service Tax etc. Unlike tax collection system in Central Excise, Sales Tax and Service tax, GST is imposed at the final stage of distribution of goods, means at the end user level.

The short form of Central Goods and Service Tax is called CGST. CGST is one of the three types of GST (The other two are IGST and SGST). The amount collected under CGST is for central government.

More information about GST and CGST are described separately in this web blog with simple terms, smooth language and easy to understand. You may click below links to read more about GST and CGST.

GST, A simple, easy and brief explanation

A Brief explanation about CGST

A brief information about difference between GST and CGST is explained above with simple terms and easy language to understand for a layman.

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