Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council


The information provided here is part of Import Export course online

Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council


Office Address:

Flat No. 614, Indra Prakash Building,
21, Barakhamba Road ,
New Delhi -110001
Tel: 011-23315512,23315205
Fax: 011-23730182Email:
Email: wwepc@bol.net.in; headoffice@wwepcindia.com
Website Address: http://www.wwepcindia.com/

Product Handling:
Woolen and woolen products
Contact Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council for more details



Major Functions of WWEPC

Introducing foreign businessmen to local manufacturers/exporters and provide them with the information useful in conducting business.

Inviting leading exporters to visit India and gain first hand information regarding the capability of the Indian Woollen Industry.


Wool and Woollens Export Promotion CouncilAssisting foreign buyers in their visits to India and chalk out their tour programmes, arrangements etc.

Working with the organisers of leading International Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, in order to project the quality and variety of Indian Woollen Products abroad.

Researching foreign markets and and sponsor Study-cum-Sales Team/Delegations abroad.

Promoting and actively practice overseas public relations.

Promoting and actively practice overseas public relations.

Helping the Textile Inspection committee of India to ensure that Indian Woollen Products are made as per International Standards.

Chalking out and implementing programs for enlarging and improving the production base of the Woollen Industry.

Maintaining close liason with the International Wool Secretariat and Wools of New Zealand. Read more



Export Promotion Councils and Commodity Boards, product wiseApparel Export Promotion CouncilList of Export promotion councils and Commodity Boards,     Wool Industry Export Promotion Council,  Tobacco BoardTEPC,Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion CouncilJPDEPC,Jute Products Development and Export Promotion Council,   Tea Board,    SRTEPC,Synthetic and Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council, SQEPC,Sports Goods Export Promotion CouncilSpices Board,   SHEFEXIL,Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council,   SEPC,Services Export Promotion Council, Rubber BoardHEPC,Handloom Export Promotion Council, PEPC,Project Exports Promotion Council of IndiaPowerloom Development and Export Promotion CouncilPlastics Export Promotion Council,    Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council,   Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)Indian Silk Export Promotion CouncilIndian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion CouncilGJEPC,Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion CouncilFIEO,Federation of Indian Export OrganizationExport Promotion Council for HandicraftsExport Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZsEPC,Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion CouncilEEPC INDIA,Formerly Engineering Export Promotion CouncilCouncil for Leather ExportsCotton Textiles Export Promotion Council , Coir BoardCoffee BoardCDB,Coconut Development BoardCashew Export Promotion Council of IndiaCarpet Export Promotion CouncilCAPEXILCHEMEXCIL, Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics EPCAPEDA 

The above information is a part of Online Export Import course 

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