The information provided here is part of Import Export online Training
Inco Terms for movement of goods is revised as Incoterms 2020. The importers and exporters are suggested to use the latest version. Click here to read the contents of Inco Terms 2020.
How to differentiate CIF with DAP
What are the difference between DAP and CIF?
As per Inco terms of shipping, DAP means Delivered at Place (named destination mentioned). CFR means, Cost and Freight (up to the destination mentioned).
The detailed articles on CIF and DAP with simple language have been mentioned in this web blog separately. I suggest you to read these articles on CIF and DAP, so as to enable you to have a clear idea on these shipping terms

The major difference between CIF and DAP is that the shipping term DAP is used in all modes of transport, where as CIF terms of shipping is used only for sea and inland water transport.
What is DAP? What are the responsibilities of buyer and seller under DAP terms? How does CIF term work? What are the obligations of buyer and seller under CIF terms.
For your immediate reference, I give below web links on DAP and CIF separately below.
Inco Terms for movement of goods is revised as Incoterms 2020. The importers and exporters are suggested to use the latest version. Click here to read the contents of Inco Terms 2020.
The above articles easily explain about CIF and DAP.
Detailed articles about Inco Terms of Delivery under export and import of International business have been mentioned in separate category – INCO TERMS – in this web site. You can click here to read.
I hope, you have satisfied with the difference between DAP and CIF explained easily. Do you have different thought on difference between CIF and DAP?
The above information is a part of Export Import Training course online
CIP terms of movement, Unloading goods by Buyer or Seller?
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Who arranges Insurance under CFR terms under Export Import trade?
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Distinguish between CPT and CIF under Inco terms
Whose responsibility to arrange Insurance under FAS terms
Difference between FCA AND FOB under Inco terms 2020
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Buyer or Seller? Who pays Insurance under DAP Inco terms?
CIF Vs FCA, a comparison under Inco terms 2020
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Difference between DDP and CIF in shipping terms
Difference between CPT and CIF in shipping terms
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Difference between DAT and DAP in shipping terms
Difference between FCA and DDP in shipping terms
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