CFS/ICD charges for export and Import
What does CFS/ICD charges mean in an import export trade?
How does a CFS work in an International trade? What are the procedures and formalities in a customs bonded CFS? Who determines charges on different services in a CFS/ICD?
In each CFS or ICD, a custodian is appointed by customs department of respective country. This custodian has to follow instructions as per guidelines provided by customs. The custodian in a CFS or ICD can be a private party, semi-government authorities, or fully owned government authorities. Such custodian of cargo is responsible to handle the cargo for exports and imports arrived at a customs bonded area.
Once after arrival of goods in a container freight station or Inland container depot, charges on handling, storage, security etc. of such goods are handled by the CFS / ICD authorities, with necessary permission from customs officials. The charges to handle such arrangements are to be paid by the importers, exporters or other users of such CFS / ICD. The tariff on each types of work varies depends up on the nature of job involved in each job. The details of each job and their charges are available on request at each container freight station or Inland container depot. Such details tariff on each jobs are available at each CFS/ICD. The handling charges at each CFS/ICD/Warehouse could be varied from one CFS/ICD/warehouse to another in a same country.
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The above information is a part of Import Export Training course online
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Comment below your thoughts about CFS and ICD charges on handling under import export procedures and formalities of International trade.
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