Various Financial Schemes of COIR BOARD
This post explains following schemes of Coir Board: ( The details are extracted from Coir Board Website. You may also visit the said web portal for more details)

Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)
Coir Udyami Yojana
Export Market Promotion Scheme
Domestic Market Promotion Scheme
Development of Production Infrastructure Scheme for Coir Units
Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana
Science and Technology Scheme
Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Coir workers
Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services Scheme
Related Scheme
Scheme Of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)
Ministry of MSME has launched this scheme in the year 2005 with the view to make the traditional industries more competitive, market driven, productive, profitable and capable of providing sustainable employment for traditional industry artisans and rural entrepreneurs. The Coir Board is the Nodal Agency for the implementation of the scheme. The scheme is being implemented by the Board through the Implementing Agencies engaged by the Board for each cluster. The scheme envisages for setting up of Common Facility Centres, Capacity building measures, Product development and design intervention centers and Market promotion assistance including setting up of outlets in the selected coir clusters.More…….
Nature of assistance 1. 75% Grant will be extended for establishing common facility centre, product development and design intervention. 2. 100% Grant will be extended market promotion assistance and capacity building measures These assistance will be based on the allocation of fund for each cluster.
Who can apply ?
I Artisans, workers, machinery makers, raw material providers, entrepreneurs, institutional and private business development service providers.
II Artisan guilds, co-operatives, consortiums, networks of enterprises, self help groups, enterprise associations.
Implementing Agencies, field functionaries of govt. institutions/organizations and policy makers directly engaged in regeneration of traditional industries.More…….
How to apply ?
Government organization/NGOs working in the coir sector can apply in the prescribed format to Coir Board through state Government with recommendation for establishing clusters as per the guidelines.
Related Scheme
Coir Udyami Yojana
This is a credit linked subsidy scheme for setting up of coir units with project cost upto Rs.10 lakhs plus one cycle of working capital, which shall not exceed 25% of the project cost. Working capital will not be considered for subsidy.More…….
Nature of assistance Maximum admissible cost of the project is 10 lakhs plus working capital, which shall not exceed 25% of the project cost.
Beneficiary’s contribution 5% of the project cost
Bank credit Rate 55%
Rate of Subsidy 40% of the project
Who can apply ?
Individuals, Companies, Self Help Groups,Non Governmental Organizations, Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act 1860, Production Co-operative Societies, Joint Liability Groups and Charitable Trust,
How to apply ?
The applications can be collected from Coir Board Offices, District Industries Centres, Coir Project Offices, Panchayati Raj Institutions and the Nodal Agencies approved by the Board for this purpose and have to be submitted directly to the Coir Board Field Offices or through the DICs.More…….
Related Scheme
Coir Board is implementing the Central Sector Scheme of Export Market Promotion with a view to improve the export performance of Indian Coir Sector through various export market promotion activities such as sponsoring delegations, participation in seminars and conferences, organising participation in international fairs, undertaking generic publicity abroad, extending financial assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Exporters, presenting Coir Industry Awards on an annual basis to recognize the outstanding performance in the areas of export, domestic trade, R&D, functioning of units & societies etc. More…….
Nature of assistance 1. Delegation, Consultancy & Information Sourcing 2. Participation in seminars and conferences 3. Participation in international fairs/buyer seller meets 4. Publicity abroad 5. External Market Development Assistance 6. Coir Industry Awards
Who can apply ?
Manufacturers, Entrepreneurs and Exporters of Coir
How to apply ?
The application forms can be had from the Coir Board HO and also can be downloaded from the website
Related Scheme
Domestic Market Promotion is one of the major functions envisaged under the Coir Industry Act 1953, Under the Scheme the Board is undertaking various measures for popularizing coir and coir products and expanding the domestic market. The following activities are undertaken by the Board for the purpose. I. Establishment and Maintenance of Showrooms & Sales Depots. II. Participation in Domestic ExhibitionsMore…….
Nature of assistance The Scheme proposes to provide financial assistance to the Apex Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative Societies, Public Sector Enterprises in the coir industry and the Showroom and Sales Depots of the Coir Board. The MDA is granted at the rate of 10% of their average annual sales turnover of coir products including coir yarn and rubberized coir goods during the preceding three financial years. This Assistance will be shared on 1:1 basis between the Central Government and the concerned State/Union Territory Government. The disbursement of Central share of MDA will be subject to the budgetary outlay available with the Coir Board under the relevant schemes.
Who can apply ?
Apex societies, Central Co-operative societies, primary Co-operatives, Public Sector Enterprises, Showrooms & Sales Depots of the Board.
How to apply ?
The MDA application form can be had from the Coir Board HO and also can be downloaded from the website
Related Scheme
Financial assistance for setting up of coir units and modernisation of existing units. Under the Scheme the Board is extending subsidy to the tune of 25 % of the cost of equipments and other infrastructural facilities subject to a maximum of Rs. 6 lakhs for setting up of defibering unit, Rs. 4 lakh for Automatic Spinning Unit and Rs. 5 lakh for others. For a composite or a multiple unit the maximum ceiling of assistance would be Rs. 9 lakh. In the case of modernisation of existing unit the subsidy will be limited to 25 % of the cost of modernisation equipments and infrastructural facilities subject to a maximum of Rs. 2 lakh
Nature of assistance
Financial assistance is available for setting up of new units and modernization of existing units @ 25% of the cost of building, machineries and other infrastructural facilities subjected to the ceiling of
Maximum ceiling of subsidy for defibering unit Rs. 6 lakh
Maximum ceiling of subsidy for Automatic Spinning Unit Rs. 4 lakh
Maximum ceiling of subsidy for others Units Rs.5 lakh
Maximum ceiling of subsidy for modernization of existing units Rs.2 lakh
Maximum ceiling of subsidy for composite or a multiple unit Rs. 9 lakh
Who can apply ?
Entrepreneurs who wish to start the Coir processing units and who wish to modernize the existing units
How to apply ?
The GM, DIC of the respective region is authorized to receive the application and documents as per the guidelines and the same will be processed, inspected, scrutinized and duly recommended to RO/Sub RO of the Board who in turns conduct the joint inspection along with the officer nominated by the Chairman Coir Board for assessing the quantum of assistance and forward to HO for obtaining sanction from the competent authority
Related Scheme
Under the scheme the Board is conducting various programmes like Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Awareness Programme, Workshop, Quality Improvement Programme, Seminar, Exposure Tour, etc. for attracting more entrepreneurs to start coir processing units. In order to create skilled man power required for the coir industry the board is implementing various training programmes such as extension of training, spinning weaving and other product diversification process .
Nature of assistance Coir workers / entrepreneurs will get awareness on modern technologies developed by Coir Board. Skill upgradation through training programs for producing different quality of coir and Coir products. Management skills can also be acquired by attending EDP program to the entrepreneurs to run the Coir units more effectively and efficiently. The women Coir workers are eligible for availing subsidy @75% of the cost of Rats subject to the maximum of Rs. 3200/- in the case of Motorised Traditional Ratt and Rs. 7500 in the case of Motorised Ratt.
Who can apply ?
Self help groups (SHG), NGOs, GOs can apply with the Regional Office of the Board for organizing the training program at field level
How to apply ?
The Self help groups (SHG), NGOs, GOs who have adequate infrastructural facilities such as work shed, power connection, equipments and raw material can approach Regional Officer/Sub RO of the state concerned along with the name and address of the candidates and other documents prescribed in the guidelines.
Related Scheme
The Scheme envisages extension of the fruit of the research at the laboratory level for application at the field level and extension of testing and service facility. The Research and Development activities of the Board are carried out through the twin research institutes; the Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore.More…….
Nature of assistance Technology Transfer, Incubation, Testing and Service Facilities
Who can apply ?
The research outcomes are beneficial to the coir industry and trade in India and abroad
How to apply ?
TThe trade/ Manufactures/ Entrepreneurs/Coir Workers can approach Research Centre for availing assistance in Technology Transfer, Incubation, Testing and Service Facilities
Related Scheme
The Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Coir Workers is aimed at providing insurance coverage against accidental death, permanent total disability and permanent partial disability to the coir workers in all coir producing states in India. Considering welfare of the women who form majority of the group proposed, the accident in their case will include death and disablement arising out of and traceable to sterilization and consequent complications, arising out of pregnancy, child birth, caesarian hysterectomy, removal of breast as well as murder and rape etc. More…….
Nature of assistance
(i) Accidental Death Rs.50,000/-
(ii) Permanent Total Disability
a) Loss of two limbs / two eyes Rs.50,000/-
b) Loss of one limb and one eye Rs.50,000/-
(iii) Permanent Partial Disability
a) Loss of one limb / one eye Rs.25,000/-
b) Provision for finger cut Depending upon the finger and limited to applicable percentages of capital sum.
Who can apply ?
Coir workers (aged 18 years and above) all over the country
How to apply ?
The claim application can be had from the Coir Board HO /Field Offices of the Board and also can be downloaded from the website
Related Scheme
Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services Scheme
Collection of statistical data pertaining to various aspects like production, productivity , labor infrastructure, raw material, marketing ,etc is required for providing feedback to the trade and industry and for formulating appropriate policy for the overall organized and systematic development of Coir Board. Introducing e-governs system in order to asses the schemes and services of coir Board by the public easily and to make all the activities in transparent way. Organize HRD programs for Coir workers for uploading their knowledge in all spheres
Nature of assistance Accessible export data such as name of export countries, quantum of export in country basis. Survey & Study reports of various sectors is available for the Coir Industry. HRD Program can be utlised by coir workers for the betterment of their knowledge in tunes of modern technology
Who can apply ?
Coir workers, New Enterproners can be availed HRD program organized under the scheme.
How to apply ?
The Enterproners/Coir Workers can approach regional offices of the Board for undergoing HRD program being organized in different region.
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