HS code for bars and rods hot rolled in irregularly wound coils of iron or non alloy steel

HS CODE  721310  stands for which product? Product code 721320  against which commodity? Commodity code 721339  meant for which product?  Export goods code for Bars and Rods.  Import goods code for Bars and Rods.  Merchandise code for Bars and Rods.   Goods code for 721310  for which merchandise?


Know your product HS code
Commodity HTS (HS) code chapter 72 iron and steel
7213  bars  and rods, iron  and na steel, h-r irreg coils

721310  Concrete reinforcing bars and rods
721320  Bars and Rods Of free-cutting steel
721331  Bars and Rods Of circular cross section measuring less than 14 mm (0.55 inch) in diameter
721339  Other Bars, Rods, Hot-rolled



How to import Bars and Rods and other goods mentioned above

Procedures to export Bars and Rods and other goods mentioned above 

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GST Exemption list of goods and services 

Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST 

GST registration guidelines 

Indian GST Laws


How to export your goods?

Learn International trade online free.

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How to settle dispute in Exports and Imports? 
Import clearance procedures and formalities 
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Tips to exporters on Documentation 
How does Letter of Credit work? 

Is ON BOARD CERTIFICATE required for LC negotiation

Is Received for shipment Bill of Lading sufficient for LC negotiation?

Is Risk Management System (RMS) simplify import? What is RMS in import.

Is sales tax applicable on shipments effected under high sea sales

Is Seaway bill a document of title? What is Seaway bill.

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Know the term Port of Discharge and Place of Delivery

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Introduction to this web site.

Is Airway bill a documents of title?


This post explains:

What is the HS code for Bars and Rods? What is HTS code  for Bars and Rods?  HS name for Bars and Rods? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Bars and Rods.  What is the Product code for import of Bars and Rods. How to get product code for export of  Bars and Rods.  How to find commodity code  to import Bars and Rods. How to get commodity code to export Bars and Rods.  

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