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Is Seaway bill a document of title? What is Seaway bill?
Bill of Lading and Sea way bill are two terms in shipping under imports and exports. What is Seaway Bill? How does bill of Lading work? Is Sea Way bill a document of Title?
Seaway bill is an evidencing document of contract of carriage and the carrier’s receipt of the goods. A bill of lading functions as a contract of carriage, receipt of goods by carrier and document of title. Seaway bill is not a document of title. Means, the seaway bill can not be used for negotiation procedures with bank.

In a seaway bill, the consignee at destination need not produce a copy of seaway bill duly endorsed by him to the carrier to deliver goods. The carrier can deliver goods to the consignee by identifying and confirming as the claimer is the consignee mentioned in the documents. In other words, in a seaway bill, the responsibility for identifying the consignee is vested with the carrier.
Since the seaway bill is not a document of title, the said bill cannot be used under shipments where in Letter of credit is involved.
Also seaway bill has no legal strength, if the goods to be resold at destination ‘to the order of consignee’, as seaway bill does not fall under document of title.
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The above information is a part of Export import business Course online
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