HS CODE Chapters 07 edible vegetables 4 digits
0701 potatoes (except sweet potatoes), fresh or chilled
0702 tomatoes , fresh Or chilled
0703 onions, shallots, garlic, leeks etc, fr or chilled
0704 cabbages, cauliflower, kale etc, fresh or chilled
0705 lettuce and chicory, fresh or chilled
0706 carrots, turnips & other edible roots, fr or chill
0707 cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
0708 leguminous vegetables, shelled or not, fr or chill
709 vegetables nesoi, fresh Or chilled
0710 vegetables (raw or cooked by steam etc), frozen
0711 vegetables, temporarily preserved, not now edible
0712 vegetables, dried, whole, cut etc., no added prep
0713 leguminous vegetables, dried shelled
0714 cassava arrowroot etc fresh or dry: sago pith
The above information is a part of Online export import training guide
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