Application for Allotment of Unique ID Number (UIN) to UN Bodies,Embassies,any other person GST REG 09
Please reconfirm the correctness of below mentioned GST form with GST authorities.
GST REG 09 is arranged to use for Application for Allotment of Unique ID Number (UIN) to UN Bodies,Embassies,any other person
The pdf format of GST REG 09 for Application for Allotment of Unique ID Number (UIN) to UN Bodies,Embassies,any other person is given below to click and download:
Download GST REG 09 in pdf format: REG-09.pdf
Government of India /<<State>>
Department of ----------------------
Form GST REG-09
[See Rule ---]
Application for Allotment of Unique ID Number (UIN) to UN Bodies/ Embassies /any other person
1 Name of the Entity
2 Type of Entity (Choose one)
UN Body
Other Person
3 MEA Letter No. & date , if applicable
4 Country
Notification No.
Notification Date
Address of office of UN Body/ Embassy /any other person in State
Building No./Flat No.
Floor No.
Name of the Premises/Building
PIN Code
Contact Information
Office Email Address
Office Telephone
Mobile Number
Office Fax Number
Center Jurisdiction
Sector, Circle, Ward, etc. as applicable
Authorized Signatory Details
First Name
Middle Name
Name of Father
Date of Birth
<Male, Female,
Mobile Number
Email address
Telephone No. with STD
Designation /Status
Director Identification
Number (if any)
Aadhaar Number
Are you a citizen of India?
Yes / No
Passport No. (in case of
Residential Address
Building No/Flat No
Floor No
Name of the
PIN Code
Bank Account Details of UN Body/ Embassy /any other person
Account Number
Type of Account
Bank Name
Branch Address
Document Upload
The authorized person who has in possession of the documentary proof (UN Body/ Embassy etc.) must
upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of resolution / power of attorney,
authorizing the applicant to represent the UN Body / Embassy etc. in India.
The authorized tax official who has collected the documentary proof from the applicant (UN Body/ Embassy
etc.) must upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of resolution / power of attorney,
authorizing the applicant to represent the UN Body / Embassy etc. in India and link it along with the UIN
generated and allotted to respective UN Body/ Embassy etc.
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.

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(Digital Signature/ E-sign)
Name of Authorized Signatory
(Digital Signature of the Proper Officer)
Name of Authorized Proper Officer
Instruction for filing Application for registration for UN Bodies/ Embassies/Any other person notified by the Government.
• Every person required to obtain a unique identity number under sub-section -- of section -- shall submit an application, electronically.
• Application can be filed through common portal or registration can be sue-moto granted by proper officer from the back end.
• Notification issued by the Government/ Ministry of External Affairs with notification number and date will be required to be uploaded along-with details of the applicant and the address of the office/embassies.
• Unique identification number may be granted after processing the application filed on the common portal or it can be processed through backend by proper officer State/Centre jurisdiction. UIN generated is required to be communicated after generation to the concerned State/Centre authority.
• Application filed on the Common portal is required to be signed electronically or any other mode as specified by the Government.
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Application for registration under GST Act to obtain GSTIN
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Does GST registration number of my firm change time to time in India?
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