The information provided here is part of Online export import business guide course
Delivery Order in import – How to release goods from Shipping company?
The term ‘Delivery Order’ is used in Imports and Exports at two different areas. Delivery Order in terms of delivery of goods by carrier and Delivery of empty container for stuffing by sea carriers.
Here we discuss about Delivery Order in terms of Delivery of Goods to consignee by carrier.
What is Delivery Order? When does shipping company release Delivery Order? How to release goods from Shipping Company?

Delivery order is the order given by carrier to the party to take delivery of goods. Once cargo arrived at port of destination, the goods are moved to customs bonded area where in customs clearance procedures are carried out. If the cargo is Less Container Load (LCL), it is stored in the container freight station warehouse. The import cargo will be under the custody of CFS authorities whoacts as ‘custodian of cargo’.
Custodian of cargo can be a private party, semi-government, or fully owned by government authorities. However, custodian of cargo in a bonded area can release the goods to the party only with the permission of Customs authorities and the carrier of cargo. The carrier of cargo means, the shipping, freight forwarding or transport company who carries goods to the port of final destination. Once after arrival of cargo at final customs port of destination, the said carrier of goods issues delivery order to consignee (or his order) after collecting necessary charges if any. The importer or his customs broker completes import customs formalities by filing necessary documents and inspection of cargo procedures completes if applicable. Once after completion of import customs formalities, the importer or his authorized agent approaches custodian of cargo along with the delivery order issued by carrier of goods to release the cargo. The custodian of cargo verifies the proof of completion of import customs clearance procedures and delivery order, release the cargo to importer.
Along with delivery order, carrier need to collect original bill of lading issued by his counterpart at port of loading pertaining to the said shipment unless otherwise the said document surrendered or released as ‘Sea Way Bill’. Also read Surrender of Bill of Lading – Some facts What is Express Release Bill of Lading Is Seaway bill a document of title? What is Seaway bill.
Consignee “To Order” in Bill of Lading
I hope, I could satisfy about this simple term ‘Delivery Order’ in imports and exports.
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The above information is a part of Guide on howtoexport and import
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