Why ‘Late BL release charges’?
Late BL release charges – An account head of carrier of goods in an export trade. What is this late Bill of Lading releases Charges? Why do carrier charge an additional amount on late release of Bill of Lading?

The carrier releases bill of lading to shipper, once after handing over cargo to him after completion of necessary legal export customs clearance procedures. The shipper is eligible to obtain bill of lading immediately up on handing over necessary proof of completion of export customs procedures. The carrier can issue ‘Received for shipment’ bill of lading immediately up on such receipt of proof of completion of customs formalities. However, if shipper needs ‘on board’ bill of lading, he needs to wait till the goods go onboard the vessel.
What is Late BL release Charges?
Some of the shippers do not release bill of lading from the carrier of goods even after sailing vessel at load port. In some cases the delay in releasing bill of lading may prolong till cargo reaches destination. Most commonly, this delay in obtaining bill of lading happens to take maximum advantages in paying carrier’s charges, as ocean freight and other carrier’s charges are paid at the time of releasing bill of lading.
In order to make the shippers to arrange to release bill of lading in time, the carrier impose certain amount as penal charges on non release of bill of lading within the stipulated period of time after sailing vessel at load port. This charge is known as late bill of lading release charges.
Why does shipping company charge Late BL release Charges?
The delay in releasing bill of lading makes inconvenience to the carrier, to file necessary export General Manifest (EGM) at load port, import general manifest (IGM) at destination port, payment of necessary terminal charges etc. The delay in releasing bill of lading by shipper causes inconvenience to the shipping carrier. So the shipping liners levy certain amount as penal charges to set right this issue.
If a shipment is on ‘Freight Prepaid’ basis, the shipper affects ocean freight and other charges to shipping carriers at the time of releasing bill of lading. Here, the shipper enjoys maximum credit period from the shipping carrier by delaying release of Bill of Lading. This also causes an inconvenience to the shipping lines by receiving late payment of ocean freight.
I hope, I have explained about Late BL release charges. Would you like to share your experience about Late BL release charges by shipping carriers?
The above information is a part of Export Import Training online
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