Terms used in shipping such International Banking Act,Interbank Offered Rate, International Accounting Unit, Ice Clause


Terms used in shipping such International Banking Act,Interbank Offered Rate, International Accounting Unit, Ice Clause etc.



This post explains about terms used in shipping such as Invoice value,Inland Revenue,Intaken piled fathom,International Banking Act,Interbank Offered Rate, International Accounting Unit, Ice Clause,Investment Climate Statement,Indexed Currency Option Note etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.


Terms used in shipping


I.M.F. - International Monetary Fund


I.M.I.F. - International Maritime Industry Forum


I.M.O.:International Maritime Organization. A forum in which most major maritime nations participate and through which recommendations for the carriage of dangerous goods, bulk commodities, and maritime regulations become internationally acceptable.

Terms used in shipping such International Banking Act,Interbank Offered Rate, International Accounting Unit, Ice Clause etc

I.M.R.O. - Investment Management Regulatory Organization


I.M.T.A. - International Meat Trade Association


i.p.f. - Intaken piled fathom


I.P.R.C. - Institute Port Risks Clauses


I.R. - Inland Revenue


i.r.o. - In respect of


I.R.S. - Indian Register of Shipping


I.S.F. - International Shipping Federation


I.S.O. (International Organization for Standards):ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 148 countries. It deals in standards of all sorts, ranging from documentation to equipment packaging and labeling.


I.S.O.:ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 130 countries, one from each country. It is a non-governmental organization established in 1947 to promote the development of standardization facilitating international trade. ISO's work results in international agreements which are published as International Standards.


I.T.:Abbreviation for "Immediate Transport." The document (prepared by the carrier) allows shipment to proceed from the port of entry in the U.S. to Customs clearing at the destination. The shipment clears Customs at its final destination. Also called an "In-Transit" Entry.


I.T.:In Transit Document (Form 7512) issued by a licensed Customs Broker which allows U.S. Customs to monitor in bond shipments moving in the U.S.


I.T.C. - Institute Time Clauses


I.T.U. - International Telecommunications Union


i.v. - Invoice value. Increased value


I.V.C. - Institute Voyage Clauses (Hulls)


I.Y.C. - Institute Yacht Clauses


I/A:Abbreviation for "Independent Action." The right of a conference member to publish a rate of tariff rule that departs from the Agreement's common rate or rule.


i/o - In and/or overdeck


IACAC - Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commisoalition


IADB - Inter-American Development Bank


IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency


IAEL - International Atomic Em


IAIGC - Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation


IAPH - International Association of Ports and Harbours


IARCs - International Agricultural Research Centers


IATA - International Air Transport Association


IATA Designator:Two-character Airline identification assigned by IATA in accordance with provisions of Resolution 762. It is for use in reservations, timetables, tickets, tariffs as well as air waybill .


IATA:International Air Transport Association ( IATA ), established in 1945, is a trade association serving airlines, passengers, shippers, travel agents, and governments. The association promotes safety, standardization in forms (baggage checks, tickets, weigh bills), and aids in establishing international airfares. IATA headquarter is in Geneva, Switzerland.


IAU - International Accounting Unit


IBA - International Banking Act


IBF - International Banking Facility


IBOR - Interbank Offered Rate


IBOS - International Business Opportunities Service


IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


IC - Import Certificate, Integrated Circuit


IC - International Coffee Organization, International Congress Office, Islamic Conference Organization


ICA - International Civil Aviation Organization


ICA - International Cocoa Agreement, International Coffee Agreement, International Commodity Agreement


ICAC - International Confederation of Agricultural Credit


ICB - International Competitive Bidding


ICC (2) (INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OR ):A non-governmental organization serving as a policy advocate on world business.


ICC:Abbreviation for (1) "Interstate Commerce Commission," (2) "International Chamber of Commerce."


ICC:Interstate Commerce Commission or International Chamber of Commerce


ICD (Inland Clearance Depot):Warehouse where goods are moved to an approved Customs warehouse for Clearance.


ICE - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero


Ice Clause - An ice clause is a standard clause in the chartering of ocean vessels. It dictates the course a vessel master may take if the ship is prevented from entering the loading or discharge port because of ice, or if the vessel is threatened by ice while in the port. The clause establishes rights and obligations of both vessel owner and charterer if these events occur.


Ice Clause - Clause in a Bill of Lading or Charter-Party that sets out the options available to the panics to the contract of carriage in The event that navigation is prevented or temporarily delayed by severe ice conditions. The wording of the clause and the options vary according to the individual contract: a master may have the right to divert the ship to the nearest safe port to discharge cargo destined for an ice-bound port. Equally, a charterer may have the option of keeping a ship waiting for ice conditions to clear on payment of demurrage.


ICFTU - International Confederation of Free Trade Unions


ICHCA - International Cargo Handling Coordination Association


ICON - Indexed Currency Option Note


ICS - Investment Climate Statement


ICSID - International Centre for the Settlement for Investment, Disputes


The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as Invoice value,Inland Revenue,Intaken piled fathom,International Banking Act,Interbank Offered Rate, International Accounting Unit, Ice Clause,Investment Climate Statement,Indexed Currency Option Note etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as Hub-and-Spoke, Humping, HUSBANDING,HWONT,Indicated Horse-Powe,In full,I.M.D.G. Code

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