Registrations-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC):
As per para; 4.10 of the Export Import policy, any firm or company applying for any import or export licence and/or avail any other concession or benefit, is required to have a Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) issued by a competent authority, unless specifically exempted under the policy.

Any person applying for (i) a license/certificate/permission to or (ii) any other benefit or concession under Foreign Trade Policy shall be required to import/exports ., furnish Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) issued by the competent authority in accordance with the procedure specified in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol. I) unless specifically exempted under the Policy.
Issuing Authorities:
(a) An exporter has an option to obtain RCMC from Federation of Indian Exporters Organisations (FIEO) or a relevant Export Promotion Council (EPC).
(b) A status holder has an option to obtain RCMC from Federation of Indian Exporters Organisations (FIEO).
(c) If export product is such that it is not covered by any EPC, then RCMC in respect thereof may be obtained from FIEO.
(d) Exporters of forest produce and their value added products shall obtain RCMC from Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL).
(e) Software exporters shall register themselves with Electronic and Computer Software EPC (ESC).
(f) Exporters of 14 services, listed in the Handbook of Procedures, shall register with Services EPC. Other service exporters are required to register with FIEO.
Application for RCMC:
An exporter may, on application in a specified format as given in appendices register and become a member of EPC. On being admitted to the membership, the applicant is granted RCMC of the concerned EPC. In case an exporter desires to get registered as manufacturer exporter then he needs to furnish evidence to that effect. Prospective or potential exporters may also, on application, register and become associate members of EPC.
For this purpose they are required to make an application in a specified format as given in the Handbook of Procedures along with the following documents:
(a) Form of application for Registration-cum-Membership, wherein the product for which the registration required is to be specified.
(b) A self certified copy of the importer Exporter Code (IEC) number, issued by the licensing authorities concerned.
(c) Bank certificate in support of the applicant's financial soundness.
(d) SSI/IEM certificate in case the registration is sought as a Manufacturer Exporter.
(e) A declaration regarding the exports and imports effected during the preceding financial year.
(f) A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association in the case of companies and partnership deed in the case of partnership firms.
Validity of RCMC:
The RCMC shall be deemed to be valid from 1st April of the licensing year in which It was Issued and shall be valid for 5 years ending 31st March of the licensing year, unless otherwise is specified.
Intimation Regarding Change in Constitution:
In case there is any change in the name, constitution, ownership or address of a RCMC holder, it shall be obligatory on his part to intimate such change to the registering authority within a period of one month from the date of the occurring of such changes. Registering authority may condone delay in case there is a genuine reason for delay and the exporters submits necessary evidence that the delay was justified.
Furnishing Reports:
Exporters are required to furnish quarterly returns and details of their exports to the concerned EPC. However, the status holders can submit quarterly returns to the FIEO in a specified format.
Registering authority may de-register an RCMC holder for violation of conditions of registration. Before de-registration, the RCMC holder is served a show cause notice and is given a reasonable opportunity to make a representation against the proposed de-registration.
Appeal against De-registration:
An aggrieved party has a right to appeal to DGFT or other designated agency Against de-registration within a period of 45 days from the decision of de-registration and the decision of the appellate authority shall be final.
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