Export Promotion Council (EPC) and Commodity Boards
Who are registering authorities?
Registering Authority is a body notified by DGFT to register importers and exporters as its members by issuing RCMC.
According to Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20, Export Promotion Councils acting as the Registering Authorities for RCMC at present will continue to act as Registering Authorities and issue RCMC to their members till 31st March, 2016. EPCs wishing to continue as Registering Authority for their product group thereafter shall have to comply and fulfil the conditions mentioned below before 31st March, 2016.
Criteria for EPCs as Registering Authorities
per Foreign Trade Policy of India, in order to make the EPCs truly democratic and participative in nature and for better governance and transparency, the criteria for them to function as Registering Authority are being laid down as under:
(a) e-Voting: Electronic Voting would be mandatory for election to the posts of Vice Chairman/Vice President and Executive Committee members with a view to ensuring wider participation.
(b) Tenure of Elected Heads: The tenure of an elected head shall not be for more than two years. The election of Chairman/President of the EPC shall be via Vice Chairman/Vice President route. However, any member having held the post of Chairman/President and/or Vice Chairman/Vice President may come back as Vice Chairman/Vice President in the same council after a gap of not less than 4 years.
(c) Directions of the Central Government: EPCs acting as the Registering Authorities shall abide by all directions of the Central Government in respect of promotion and development of international trade.
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