The terms used in business such as terms of trade, Test Market ,The Big Three,Theory Of Constraints, Theory Z etc.
This post explains about terms used in business such as Telemarketing, Teleworking, Tenant At Will ,terms of trade, Test Market ,The Big Three,Theory Of Constraints, Theory Z etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
The terms used in business
Telemarketing - Also known as Telesales. The selling of goods or services by contacting potential customers by telephone.
telemarketing: Marketing goods or services directly to the consumer via the telephone.
telephone survey: a research technique in which members of the public are asked a series of questions on the telephone
Teleworking - An arrangement in which the employee works at home and contacts their office or workplace by telephone or computer.
Tenant - An individual or business who pays a fee for the use of land, property, etc., to the owner. An occupant.
Tenant At Will - A tenant who continues to rent land, property, etc., past the expiration of the lease. Also a tenant who rents property without a written lease, therefore they can be forced to leave without notice from the owner.

Tender / Appel d'offres :A formal offer to supply goods or carry out work for a stated price.
Tender Offer - An offer, usually above the market price, made to the shareholders of a company by another company or individual as part of a takeover bid.
Tender response form:The documents used by you to respond to an approach to market. If successful, these usually form the basis of the contract schedules.
tender: to make or submit a bid to undertake work or supply goods at a stated price. A tender is usually submitted in response to an invitation to bid for a work contract in competition with other suppliers.
Term Assurance - A form of life insurance which pays out a lump sum if the policyholder dies within a fixed period of time.
Term Plan - Sprint offers term plans of varying lengths as part of the Maximum Value Plans associated with its Business Communications Services.
Terminal / warehouse:Place of transhipment from one means of transport to another.
Terms Of Reference - A document which describes the objectives, scope and purpose of a project, committee, meeting, etc. See 'agree specification/terms of reference' in the project management section. Separately the acronym BOSCARDET provides a useful example structure for TOR headings/sections: Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Reporting, Dependencies, Estimates, Timescales. Note that this particular structure has no specific heading for costs/budgets, and so care must be taken to include these considerations, logically within ''Constraints' or 'Estimates'. There is no standard universal structure for a Terms of Reference document because the situations vary widely in which TOR are used. Responsibility lies with the project manager or leader to ensure all relevant and necessary issues are included in TOR. Local interpretation often produces TOR headings and document structure which may be unique to the particular situation. Where an organization oversees many projects/activities requiring Terms of Reference documents it is likely that organizational 'standard' TOR formats are used. Obviously it makes sense to follow such standards where they apply, mindful of the risks of omission, over-complexity, or unnecessary work, which can arise from routinely applying a standard structure.
terms of sale: The conditions concerning payment for a purchase.
terms of trade: a ratio to determine whether the conditions under which a country conducts its trade are favorable or unfavorable
Terrestrial - Term used to describe broadcasting systems, such as television, which operate on land, rather than from a satellite.
Territorial Tax System - A tax system that taxes domestic income but not foreign income. This tax regime is found in Hong Kong, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
Tertiary Industry - Third sector of a country's economy which covers the provision of services, such as transport, schools, financial services, etc., rather than manufacturing or production.
Test Case - Term used to describe a court case which establishes legal rights and serves as a precedent for future similar cases.
Test Market - In marketing, a product or service which is tested in a particular area of the country before it is launched nationally.
test marketing: the use of a small-scale version of a marketing plan, usually in a restricted area or with a small group, to test marketing strategy for a new product.
Test pages (or waste) / Passe (ou gâche):Printing of a small quantity of documents to allow for the proper functioning of machines and the production of quality print outs. You can estimate it to be about three to five percent of your overall printing.
TEU / EVP :TEU (Twenty feet Equivalent Unit) A standard unit based on a ISO container of 20 feet length (6.10 m), used as a statistical measure of traffic flows or capacities. One standard 40' ISO Series 1 container equals 2 TEUs.
Text Message - A written message sent from one mobile phone to another.
Text-To-Speech - Describes the converting of text into audible speech on a computer by using speech synthesis techniques.
THC :Charges corresponding to the handling services provided during loading/unloading operations at ports and airport terminals.
The Big Three - The three largest credit ratings agencies: Standard and Poor's; Moody's, and Fitch. There are hundreds of smaller credit rating agencies, but historically 95% of the market is served/controlled by these three companies. As at 2013 their ownership is all American, except 50% of Fitch in French ownership. These companies have an enormous and controversial influence over corporate and international debt and the workings of credit and debt markets, banking, investments, etc., and consequently also on economies and societies around the world. 'The Big Three' are particularly controversial because of their considerable market dominance, considered by most commentators to be monopolistic (or at least a duopoly, given S&P/Moody's 80% market share), together with potential for conflict of interest in the way that the credit ratings industry operates: Credit rating agencies provide extensive high-value advisory services to the same markets/clients that are subject to the ratings issued by the agencies. Despite the heavy reliance on their assessments and pronouncements, the Big Three agencies failed to identify the toxic nature of the mortgage and related derivative debt 'products' prior to and regarded central to the 2008 global financial collapse, and in some cases awarded very positive ratings for these debts which subequently proved largely valueless and irrecoverable.
The Daily Official List - The daily record setting out the prices of shares that are traded on a stock exchange.
TheBig Board - An informal name for the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street.
Theory Of Constraints - Theory originally developed by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt, which states that every organisation must have at least one constraint that should be overcome by recognising and dealing with the cause of the 'bottleneck', thus enabling the company to achieve its goals.
Theory X - Developed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s, a theory which states that most people in the workplace do not enjoy work and will take every opportunity to avoid doing their job because they are lazy and need to be closely supervised, threatened and disciplined by management.
Theory Y - Developed by Douglas McGregor. The opposite to Theory X, a method of managing people in the workplace based on the idea that most workers enjoy their job, are self-motivated and want responsibility, and the managers role is to help the workers realise their full potential by giving them more responsibility, including them in decision-making, etc.
Theory Z - A Japanese management style based on the theory, developed by William Ouchi, that workers like to build relationships with other workers and management, to feel secure in their jobs, develop skills through training, and have their family life and traditions valued.
The above details describes about terms called in business such as Telemarketing, Teleworking, Tenant At Will ,terms of trade, Test Market ,The Big Three,Theory Of Constraints, Theory Z etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in trade such as Tax Holiday ,Teamwork,Technical Analysis, Technical Support etc
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