Terms used in shipping such as International Labor Organization,International Investment,International Munitions List etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as International Industrial List, International Labor Organization,International Investment,International Munitions List,International POW WOW,International Standards Organization etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
International Industrial List - The CoCom industrial list contains dual-use items whose export are controlled for strategic reasons.
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law - UNIDROIT studies methods for coordinate and unify the private and trade laws of member countries. The Institute (originally established in 1926 at the initiative of Italy and associated with the League of Nations) is independent, with headquarters in Rome, Italy.
International Intellectual Property Alliance - The IIPA represents U.S. copyright-based industries in bilateral and multilateral efforts to improve international protection of copyrighted works. IIPA is composed of trade associations each representing a significant segment of the U.S. copyright community. IIPA was formed in 1984; headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
International Investment - See: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Portfolio Investment.
International Labor Organization - The ILO, set up in 1919, became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1946. The ILO seeks to promote
improved working and living conditions by establishing standards that reduce social injustice in areas such as employment, pay, health, working conditions, and freedom of association among workers. Headquarers are in Geneva, Switzerland.
INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE:A certificate which gives details of a ship’s freeboards and states that the ship has been surveyed and the appropriate load lines marked on her sides. This certificate is issued by a classification society or the Coast Guard.
International Maritime Organization - The IMO was established as a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1948. The IMO facilitates cooperation on technical matters affecting merchant shipping and traffic, including improved maritime safety and prevention of marine pollution. Headquartrers are in London, England.
International Maritime Satellite Organization - INMARSAT is an international partnership of signatories from 67 nations. The partnership provides mobile satellite capacity to its signatories, who, in turn, use the capacity to provide worldwide mobile satellite services to their maritime, aeronautical and land-mobile customers -- including shipping, cruise, fishing, research and offshore exploration industries, and airlines. INMARSAT began service in 1976. COMSAT is the U.S. signatory to INMARSAT.
International Market Insights - International Market Insight, IMI, reports are prepared by staff at American embassies and consulates. An IMI covers developments in a single country that are of interest to traders and investors. Topics may include: new laws, policies and procedures, new trade regulations, and marketplace changes.
International Market Research - See: Industry Subsector Analysis.
International Monetary Fund - The IMF, established in December 1945, promotes international monetary harmony, monitors the exchange rate and monetary policies of member nations, and provides credit for member countries which experience temporary balance of payments deficits. Each member has a quota, expressed in Special Drawing Rights, which reflects both the relative size of the member's economy and that member's voting power in the Fund. Quotas also determine members' access to the financial resources of, and their shares in the allocation of Special Drawing Rights by, the Fund. The IMF, funded through members' quotas, may supplement resources through borrowing. IMF membership is approximately 175 countries. See: Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility Credit Tranches Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility Extended Fund Facility General Arrangements to Borrow Reserve Tranche Special Drawing Rights Stand-By Arrangements.
International Munitions List - The International Munitions List, IML, is one of three lists controlled by the 17-member Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls (CoCom). The IML contains 23 categories and is similar in coverage, but less restrictive, than the U.S. Munitions List (USML).
INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION COMPENSATION FUND:n inter-governmental agency designed to pay compensation for oil pollution damage, exceeding the shipowner’s liability. It was created by an IMO Convention in 1971 and started its operations in October 1978. Contributions come mainly from the oil companies of member states.
International Organization for Migration - The IOM assists countries in meeting individual needs arising from immigration and emigration. The Organization was established in 1951; headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO):ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 130 countries, one from each country. It is a non-governmental organization established in 1947 to promote the development of standardization facilitating international trade. ISO's work results in international agreements which are published as International Standards.
International POW WOW - The International POW WOW promotes foreign tourism to the United States. It is an annual trade fair, sponsored by the Travel Industry Association of America, which brings together over 1,200 international buyers (tour operators and wholesalers) from 55 countries. The buyers are chosen through international selection criteria and purchase packages which they sell to their respective travel retailers.
International Radio Consultative Committee - CCIR (French: Comite International des Radiocommunications) studies and issues recommendations on technical and operating questions connected with radiocommunications. CCIR, a subsidiary organization of the International Telecommunications Union, is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Department of State is the U.S. member. See: International Telecommunications Union.
International Service for National Agricultural Research - See: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) - a code agreed between the signatories of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and Coast Guard agencies. The Code was introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the overseer of the original SOLAS agreement, in the wake of fears of terrorist attacks on ships and ports after the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001.
International Social Security Association - The ISSA, established in 1927, is comprised of organizations responsible for the administration of social security. ISSA aims to protect and develop social security throughout the world. The Assocation works closely with the International Labor Organization (ILO). The ISSA secretariat is locaated in the ILO building in Geneva, Switzerland.
International Standards Organization - The ISO, established in 1947, is a worldwide federation of national bodies, representing approximately 90 member countries. The scope of the International Standards Organization covers standardization in all fields except electrical and electronic engineering standards, which are the responsibility of the IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission. Together, the ISO and IEC form the specialized system for worldwide standardization -- the world's largest nongovernmental system for voluntary industrial and technical collaboration at the international level. The result of ISO technical work is published in the form of International Standards. There are, for example, ISO standards for the quality grading of steel; for testing the strength of woven textiles; for storage of citrus fruits; for magnetic codes on credit cards; for automobile safety belts; and for ensuring the quality and performance of such diverse products as surgical implants, ski bindings, wire ropes, and photographic lenses. See: International Accreditation Forum.
International Standards Organization 9000-9004 - ISO 9000 is the general name for the quality standard accepted throughout the European Economic Community. It was initially adopted in 1987. ISO is a series of documents on quality assurance published by the Geneva-based International Standards Organization. The five documents outline standards for developing Total Quality Management and a Quality Improvement Process. 9000 consists of guidelines for the selection and use of the quality systems contained in 9001-9003. 9001 outlines a model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation, and servicing. 9002 outlines a model for quality assurance in production and installation. 9003 outlines model for quality assurance for final inspection and testing. 9004 is not a standard but contains guidelines for quality management and quality system elements.
International Standards Organization Information Network - ISONET is an agreement between standardizing bodies to make information on standards, technical regulations, and related matters readily available. ISONET links the information centers of national standards bodies with each other and with the ISO Information Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. National members of ISONET are responsible for serving as the international reference point for information about the standards, technical regulations and certification systems which operate in the individual member's country and for providing their own nationals with information on national, foreign, regional and international technical rules.
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as International Industrial List, International Labor Organization,International Investment,International Munitions List,International POW WOW,International Standards Organization etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as International Court of Justice, International Data Base,International Development Association
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