The terms used in business such as Reciprocity,Reconsignment,Record keeping, Recruit etc.
This post explains about terms used in business such as Rebadge, Rebrand, Recapitalise, Recession,Reciprocal,Reciprocity,Reconsignment,Record keeping,Recruit etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
The terms used in business
Ream - 500 sheets of paper. A large quantity of written material.
Rebadge - To change the name , brand or logo of an existing product or business, especially cars.
rebating: a sales promotion technique in which the customer is offered a rebate for reaching volume targets..
Reboot - To switch a computer off and restart it again immediately.

Rebrand - Change the name, packaging, etc., of an existing product or business and advertise it as new and improved.
Recall - To ask customers to return a product which they have bought because it has been found to be faulty or dangerous.
Recapitalise - To put more money into a business, often one which is facing bankruptcy. To reorganise a company's capital structure by exchanging preferred stock for bonds, usually to reduce taxes.
Recast Book Value: The value of a balance sheet item(s) - asset, liability, or equity - after recasting adjustments have been made (aka Adjusted Book Value)
Recasting: As applied to financial statements, a method of restating financial results in order to determine seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) (Financial recasting eliminates from the historical financial presentation, items such as excessive and discretionary expenses and nonrecurring revenues and expenses, since they reflect the financing decision of the current owner and may not represent financing preferences of a new owner. Recasting provides an economic view of the company, and allows meaningful comparisons with other investment opportunities.)
Receipt - a document provided to a customer to confirm payment and to confirm a good/service has been received.
receivable: Ready for payment. When you sell on credit, you keep an "accounts receivable" ledger as a record of what is owed to you and who owes it. In accounting, a receivable is an asset.
Receivables - Shown as assets on a balance sheet, money which is owed to a company by customers who have purchased goods or services on credit.
Receiver - An independent person appointed by a court to manage and control the finances, property, etc., of a bankrupt company, who usually sells the company's assets in order to pay the creditors.
Recentness / Récence :Deadline cleared since the last purchase made by a client (see Frequency and Amount).
Recession - The decline of the economy of a country (or other region) over a period of time, resulting in increased unemployment, reduced productivity, reduced GDP (Gross Domestic Product), falling household income and livings standards, etc. Different nations and financial institutions, bodies, etc., have different definitions of a recession. Many economists and business commentators use the term very loosely without regard to a particular definition, other than it being a period of economic contraction with related factors. A common official definition at national/governmental level is broadly that a recession is: "Two consecutive quarters (i.e., total 6mths) of 'negative growth' (or contraction or reduction) in GDP (Gross Domestic Product)". Aside from the euphemistically unhelpful term 'negative growth' (used by UK governments notably) this definition of recession is open to debate because it is calculated over such a short period and is therefore very finely balanced. This definition tends to increase instances of 'double-dip' or 'triple-dip' recessions (i.e., two or three recessions in very close succession, according to this particular definition of 'recession') when in fact many such 'ups and downs' may be due to seasonal effects and adjustments rather than being actually different recessions. By more general (and some would say sensible and realistic) definitions of a recession, a 'double-dip' or 'triple dip' recession may instead be plainly and simply one long recession, and is historically seen as such. See recession shapes below.
Recession Shape - A common way to describe a recession, in terms of how the recession appears in a graph of GDP movement over time. 'Shapes' are mostly letter-shapes (V, W, U, etc). Here are the most common recession shapes:
recession: a stage of the business cycle in which economic activity is in slow decline. Recession usually follows a boom, and precedes a depression. It is characterized by rising unemployment and falling levels of output and investment.
Reciprocal - Loosley meaning 'in return', based on the stricter mathematical sense of the word, found in financial and scientific theories, where reciprocal refers to the number or fraction which when multiplied by a specified other number or fraction will produce the number one. For example a half is the reciprocal of the number two; and a fifth is the reciprocal of the number five. The word derives from Latin 're' (back) and 'pro' (forward).
Reciprocal Marketing Agreement - A strategic alliance in which two companies agree to comarket each other’s products in their home market. Production rights may or may not be transferred.
Reciprocal Trade/Trading - Exchange of product or services. A simple example might be an accountant providing book-keeping services to a telemarketing company which in return performs telemarketing services on behalf of the accountant.
Reciprocity - Based on the notion of mutuality or return in the term 'reciprocal', reciprocity means give-and-take, such as to achieve a mutually agreeable balance.
Recognition Test - Also known as Readership Test. A test carried out after people have read a newspaper, magazine, etc., to see if they have remembered or read a particular advertisement.
Reconsignment - In shipping, it is the change in either the name of the consignee, the place of delivery, or relinquishment of the shipment by the carrier at the point of origin.
Record Date - A date set by a company by which an investor must be recorded as owning shares in order to qualify to receive dividends and be able to vote at a shareholders meeting.
Record keeping - the process of keeping or recording information that explain certain business transactions. Record keeping is a requirement under tax law.
Recorded Delivery - A postal system for which an extra fee is charged in addition to postage. The sender is given a receipt at the time of posting and the recipient signs a form to confirm delivery.
Recoveries / Récupération :All amounts recovered after indemnification in relation to the indemnified loss.
Recruit - To seek employees for a business or organisation. To enlist military personnel.
Recurring Monthly Charge - See Monthly Recurring Charge.
recurring payments: an electronic payment facility that permits a merchant to process multiple authorizations by the same customer either as multiple payments for a fixed amount or recurring billings for varying amounts.
Red Bag - A UK legal profession tradition in which a red fabric bag, to contain a barister's robes, is presented to a junior lawyer by a Queen's Counsel (QC) for recognition of good work in an important case.
Red Ink - Term used when referring to a company's financial loss.
Red-Circling - The practice of protecting the salary of employees whose jobs have been downgraded because of the restructuring, etc., of the company.
Redemption rate / Taux de remontées :Also called response rate. These two terms designate the percentage of responses obtained by a mailing in terms of the number of messages sent.
redemption: the purchase by a company of its own shares from shareholders.
Redundancy - A situation in which an employer intends to cease business, so therefore the workforce lose their jobs, or an employee is made redundant because their job no longer exists in the company they work for. Employees in these situations often qualify for redundancy pay.
The above details describes about terms called in business such as Rebadge, Rebrand, Recapitalise, Recession,Reciprocal,Reciprocity,Reconsignment,Record keeping,Recruit etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in trade such as Questionnaire, Quota ,Rack Rate, Raid, Rainmaker,Real Estate etc
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