The information provided here is part of Export Import Training course online
The following are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of antonyms in shipping trade, abbreviations used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations to this article which is commonly used in your region, you may write at bottom of this article. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is meant for import and export.
G 20 Global 20
G 77 Global 77 (Developing Countries)
G Grain (cargo capacity)
G&G Geological and geophysical expenditures
G. A. General Average
G.C.M. Chief Counsel's Memorandum
G.R.T. Gross Registered Tonnage
G/A General Average, GeneralAuthorisation
G/A con General Average contribution
G/A General Average

G10 Group of Ten. Established in October, 1962, the Group of Ten (G10) is set up on conclusion of the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) with the IMF. Its purpose is to coordinate credit policy. Member countries include Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland the United Kingdom and the United States. The title, "Group of Ten", remained unchanged even after Switzerland was admitted as the eleventh member. G10 = G7 + Belgium + Netherlands + Sweden + Switzerland.
G24 Group of Twenty-four. Established in January, 1972, the Group of Twenty-four (G24)'s purpose is to deal with international monetary questions and promote the interests of developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America within the IMF. The group consists of eight representatives from each of the three continents of Africa, America and Asia. Members include Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Serbia and Montenegro, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.
G5 Group of Five. Established in September 22, 1985, the Group of Five (G5)'s purpose is to coordinate the economic policies of five major non-communist economic powers: France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
G7 Group of Seven. Established in 1976, the Group of Seven (G7)'s purpose is to facilitate economic cooperation among the seven major non-communist economic powers: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. G7 = G5 + Canada + Italy.
G8 Global 8 (G7 plus Russia)
GA CON General Average Contribution
GA General Assembly
GA General Average
GAA-- General asset accounts
GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (a framework used to carry out financial accounting within companies)
GAAS Generally Accepted Audit Standards
GAB General Arrangements to Borrow
GAC General Average Certificate
GACC General Administration of Customs (of China)
GA-- General agent
Gall- Gallon
GAO General Accounting Office of the US
GAO-- General Accountability Office
GAP-- Gross amount paid
GAR- -Group annuity reserve table
GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board
GASBEND Good And Safe (Port) Both ENDs
GATS - General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAVI Global Coalition for Africa
GAW-- Guaranteed annual wage
GB - Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland)
GBP Pound sterling
GCA- Gold Close Agreement
GCBS General Council of British Shipping
GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council
GCCs - General-purpose Credit Cards
GCR General Cargo Rate
GCT-- General corporation tax
GD/GD GDynia/GDansk
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GDR – Global Depository Receipts
GDS-- General depreciation system
GEAR A general term for ropes, blocks, tackle and other equipment
GEC Global Electronic Commerce
GEF Global Environment Facility.
GE-- Grantee
GEM- -Growing equity mortgage
GENS GENeralS or general cargo
GEOROT GEOgraphical ROTation
GFCE - Government Financial Consumption
GFCF Gross fixed capital formation
GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFE-- Good faith estimate
GFS Government Finance Statistics
GFSR - Global Financial Stability Report
GHA Ground Handling Agents
GHW-- Global high wealth
GHWI-- Global High Wealth Industry (Group)
GIC General Insurance Corporation
GIC- -Guaranteed investment contract
GIM- -Gross income multiplier
GITCA-- Gaming Industry Tip Compliance Agreement Program
GITIC Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corp.
GL General Ledger
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GLA-- Generic legal advice memoranda
GLA-- Gross leaseable area
GLS Generalized Least Squares
GMA- Gifts made after
GMDSS -Global Maritime Distress & Safety System
GME - Graduate Marine Engineer
GMIB- -Guaranteed minimum income benefit
GMP -Guaranteed maximum price
GMQ Good Merchantable Quality
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GMWB- -Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit
GN (or GR) Grain (Capacity)
GNIE Government Not Included
GNMA-- Government National Mortgage Association
GNP Gross national product
GNS German North Sea
GO Gas Oil
GoI - Government of India
GOI-- Gross operating income
GOZA-- Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005
GP General Purpose shipping container
GP Gross Profit
GP Grain Capacity. Cubic capacity in 'grain'
GPA Government Procurement Agreement
GPD Gross Primary Deficit
GP- -General Partner
GPI- -Gross potential income
GPM- -Graduated payment mortgage
GPO-- Guaranteed purchase option; Government Printing Office
GPP- -Gross profit percentage
GR Geographical Rotation. Ports in order of calling
GRA General Resources Account
GRA-- Gain recognition agreement
GRAT-- Grantor retained annuity trust
GRC-- Goverance, risk and compliance
GRD GeaRed
GRF - Guarantee Redemption Fund
GR- -Grantor
GRI General Rate Increase
GRIT-- Grantor retained income trust
GRM-- Gross rent multiplier
GRN Goods Receipt Note
GRS WT Gross Weight
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
GRT Gross Registered Tonnage
GRT-- Gross receipts test
GRUT-- Grantor retained unitrust
Grwt Gross weight
GSA-- General Services Administration
GSB Good, Safe Berth
GSDP - Gross State Domestic Product
G-Sec Government Securities
gsm Good sound merchantable
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
GSP Good, Safe Port
GSR-- General securities representative
GST - Goods and Services Tax
GST-- Generation skipping transfer
GSTP--- Global System of Trade Preference among Developing Countries
GSTT-- Generation skipping transfer tax
GSV Gross Sales Value
GTC-- Good till canceled order
GTCJ Global Trade and Customs Journal
GTEE Guarantee
GTIS Global Trade Information Services Inc.
GUIDEC - General Usage for Internationally Digitally Ensured Commerce
GUNWALE The upper edge of a ship's sides
GUV General Utility Van (rail)
GV Grand Vitesse (express train)
GWAC-- Government Wide Acquisition Contract
GYIL German Yearbook of International Law
The above are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of abbreviations in shipping trade, expansions used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations commonly used in your region, you may write such enlargements below. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is dealt with international trade.
The above information is a part of Import Export Training course online
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