Terms used in shipping such as Sling, Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme,Soft Loan etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as Sailed,Sling,Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme ,Societe in Nome Collettivo,Societe par Actions Simplifiee,Societe Per Azioni,Soft Loan etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
Sistema Economico Latinoamericano - See: Latin American Economic System.
Sister Ship - Ship with the same specification as another. This is sometimes offered to a charterer by a shipowner who has two or more identical ships but is not certain at the time of negotiating the charter that will be in the most suitable geographical position to perform the voyage.
SITC - Standard International Tariff Classification
Sk. – Sack
Skids:Battens, or a series of parallel runners, fitted beneath boxes or packages to raise them clear of the floor to permit easy access of forklift blades or other handling equipment.

SKU:Stock-keeping unit. A line-item of inventory, that is a different type or size of good.
SL - Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
SL/W:Shippers load and count. All three clauses are used as needed on the bill of lading to exclude the carrier from liability when the cargo is loaded by the shipper.
SLC (Shipper load and count):shipper is contracted to load and pack truck as well as prepare paperwork.
Sld. – Sailed
Sleepers:Loaded containers moving within the railroad system that are not clearly identified on any internally generated reports.
Sling:A wire or rope contrivance placed around cargo and used to load or discharge it to/from a vessel.
Slip:A vessel's berth between two piers.
SLOP TANK:A tank in a tanker into which slops are pumped. These represent a residue of the ship’s cargo of oil together with the water used to clean the cargo tanks. They are left to separate out in the slop tank.
Slot:A place for a container onboard a container ship; typically, one TEU fits in a slot.
Slot:Space on board a vessel occupied by a container.
SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SNC - Societe in Nome Collettivo, Societe en Nom Collectif
SNEC - Sub-Group on Nuclear Export Coordination
SOAP - Sunflower Oil Assistance Program
Sociedad Anonima - S.A. (Spanish: "incorporated company") is a form of corporation which must have at least five shareholders, who may be either Mexican or foreign. Each shareholder is liable only up to the amount of their contribution. No shares may be held by the company name. "S.A." must follow the firm name, indicating that it is a corporation.
Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable - SA de CV (Spanish: "variable capital company"), similarly to SA, must have at least five shareholders, who may be either Mexican or foreign. Each shareholder is liable only up to the amount of their contribution. SA de CV differs from SA in that an SA de CV may own its shares. "S.A. de C.V." must follow the firm name indicating that it a corporation with variable capital.
Societe a Responsabilite Limitata - "Srl" (Italian) is a private company.
Societe Anonyme - S.A. (French: "incorporated") is a form of corporation which must have at least seven shareholders, who may be either French or foreign. Each member is liable only up to the amount of stock owned.
Societe e Responsabilite Limitee - SARL (French: limited liability company") has features of both a corporation and a partnership. The number of partners cannot exceed 50. Partners may be either French or foreign. Partner liabilities are limited to the amount of their contribution, which may be in cash or in kind but not in skills. While shares may be freely traded among partners, they may not be transferred to third parties without majority agreement of partners represenating at least 75 percent of the capital.
Societe en Commandite Simple - Societe en commandite simple (French: "limited partnership") is composed of general partners, of which the managing partner at least must have unlimited liability, and silent partners whose liability is limited to the amount of their capital contributions. Silent partners are not permitted to perform any management functions vis-a-vis other partners. In a limited partnership without shares, transfer of shares of the limited partners is only allowable with the consent of all the partners. In a limited partnership with shares (Societe en commandite par actions), these are transferred in a manner similar to corporations.
Societe en Nom Collectif - Societe en nom collectif, SNC, (French: "general partnership") is organized with all partners being allocated shares for their contributions, which may be cash, in-kind, or services. There is no required minimum or maximum capital, nor any share par value. Shares in the firm are not negotiable and cannot be transferred without agreement of all the partners. Each partner is liable for the totality of the firm's debts and obligations.
Societe in Nome Collettivo - "Snc" (Italian) is a general partnership in which there is no limit on the liability of the partners.
Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le Developpement en Afrique - SIFIDA fosters the formation of profitable business in Africa by identifying and nurturing productive projects, by arranging for syndicated loans, and by providing export finance. The Society is a holding company affiliated with the African Development Bank (AfDB); headquarters are in Chene-Bourg, Switzerland. Major shareholders include the AfDB, the International Finance Corporation and more than 100 financial, industrial, and commercial institutions around the world.
Societe par Actions Simplifiee - SAS (French: "private limited company") is designed for joint ventures and permits the rights and liability of each shareholder to be defined by mutual agreement between the parties. Only two shareholders are required.
Societe Per Azioni - "SpA" (Italian: public corporation) must have at least two shareholders at formation; after formation, the requirement is reduced to one shareholder.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications - SWIFT is a cooperative organized under Belgian law, with headquarters in La Hulpe, near Brussels. SWIFT provides communications services to the international banking industry, including payments and administrative messages and, more recently, securities settlements. Traffic in 1991 was about 362 million messages. SWIFT is owned by the member banks -- approximately 1,600 -- including the central banks of most countries. The U.S. Federal Reserve is not a member, but participates in certain types of payments. Securities brokers and dealers, clearing and depository institutions, exchanges for securities, and travellers checks issuers also participate in SWIFT. SWIFT was organized in 1973 and started operations in 1977.
SOEC - Statistical Office of the European Communities
Soft Currency - The currency of a nation in which exchange may be made only with difficulty. Soft currency countries typically have minimal exchange reserves and deficits in their balance of payments. See: Hard Currency.
Soft goods:curtains, carpets, padding, and wallcoverings.
Soft Loan - Commonly, a loan from a government or multilateral development bank with a long repayment period and below-market interest.
SOGA - State-Organized, Government-Approved Mission
South Asia Preferential Trading Arrangement - See: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - SAARC promotes economic, technical, scientific, and social cooperation among members. The Association was founded in 1985 by seven countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The Association plans to establish a South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) by 1997 as a step toward creating an economic community in south Asia.
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as Sailed, Sling, Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme ,Societe in Nome Collettivo,Societe par Actions Simplifiee,Societe Per Azioni,Soft Loan etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.
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Terms used in shipping such as Sling, Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme,Soft Loan etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as Sailed,Sling,Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme ,Societe in Nome Collettivo,Societe par Actions Simplifiee,Societe Per Azioni,Soft Loan etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
Sistema Economico Latinoamericano - See: Latin American Economic System.
Sister Ship - Ship with the same specification as another. This is sometimes offered to a charterer by a shipowner who has two or more identical ships but is not certain at the time of negotiating the charter that will be in the most suitable geographical position to perform the voyage.
SITC - Standard International Tariff Classification
Sk. – Sack
Skids:Battens, or a series of parallel runners, fitted beneath boxes or packages to raise them clear of the floor to permit easy access of forklift blades or other handling equipment.
SKU:Stock-keeping unit. A line-item of inventory, that is a different type or size of good.
SL - Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
SL/W:Shippers load and count. All three clauses are used as needed on the bill of lading to exclude the carrier from liability when the cargo is loaded by the shipper.
SLC (Shipper load and count):shipper is contracted to load and pack truck as well as prepare paperwork.
Sld. – Sailed
Sleepers:Loaded containers moving within the railroad system that are not clearly identified on any internally generated reports.
Sling:A wire or rope contrivance placed around cargo and used to load or discharge it to/from a vessel.
Slip:A vessel's berth between two piers.
SLOP TANK:A tank in a tanker into which slops are pumped. These represent a residue of the ship’s cargo of oil together with the water used to clean the cargo tanks. They are left to separate out in the slop tank.
Slot:A place for a container onboard a container ship; typically, one TEU fits in a slot.
Slot:Space on board a vessel occupied by a container.
SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SNC - Societe in Nome Collettivo, Societe en Nom Collectif
SNEC - Sub-Group on Nuclear Export Coordination
SOAP - Sunflower Oil Assistance Program
Sociedad Anonima - S.A. (Spanish: "incorporated company") is a form of corporation which must have at least five shareholders, who may be either Mexican or foreign. Each shareholder is liable only up to the amount of their contribution. No shares may be held by the company name. "S.A." must follow the firm name, indicating that it is a corporation.
Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable - SA de CV (Spanish: "variable capital company"), similarly to SA, must have at least five shareholders, who may be either Mexican or foreign. Each shareholder is liable only up to the amount of their contribution. SA de CV differs from SA in that an SA de CV may own its shares. "S.A. de C.V." must follow the firm name indicating that it a corporation with variable capital.
Societe a Responsabilite Limitata - "Srl" (Italian) is a private company.
Societe Anonyme - S.A. (French: "incorporated") is a form of corporation which must have at least seven shareholders, who may be either French or foreign. Each member is liable only up to the amount of stock owned.
Societe e Responsabilite Limitee - SARL (French: limited liability company") has features of both a corporation and a partnership. The number of partners cannot exceed 50. Partners may be either French or foreign. Partner liabilities are limited to the amount of their contribution, which may be in cash or in kind but not in skills. While shares may be freely traded among partners, they may not be transferred to third parties without majority agreement of partners represenating at least 75 percent of the capital.
Societe en Commandite Simple - Societe en commandite simple (French: "limited partnership") is composed of general partners, of which the managing partner at least must have unlimited liability, and silent partners whose liability is limited to the amount of their capital contributions. Silent partners are not permitted to perform any management functions vis-a-vis other partners. In a limited partnership without shares, transfer of shares of the limited partners is only allowable with the consent of all the partners. In a limited partnership with shares (Societe en commandite par actions), these are transferred in a manner similar to corporations.
Societe en Nom Collectif - Societe en nom collectif, SNC, (French: "general partnership") is organized with all partners being allocated shares for their contributions, which may be cash, in-kind, or services. There is no required minimum or maximum capital, nor any share par value. Shares in the firm are not negotiable and cannot be transferred without agreement of all the partners. Each partner is liable for the totality of the firm's debts and obligations.
Societe in Nome Collettivo - "Snc" (Italian) is a general partnership in which there is no limit on the liability of the partners.
Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le Developpement en Afrique - SIFIDA fosters the formation of profitable business in Africa by identifying and nurturing productive projects, by arranging for syndicated loans, and by providing export finance. The Society is a holding company affiliated with the African Development Bank (AfDB); headquarters are in Chene-Bourg, Switzerland. Major shareholders include the AfDB, the International Finance Corporation and more than 100 financial, industrial, and commercial institutions around the world.
Societe par Actions Simplifiee - SAS (French: "private limited company") is designed for joint ventures and permits the rights and liability of each shareholder to be defined by mutual agreement between the parties. Only two shareholders are required.
Societe Per Azioni - "SpA" (Italian: public corporation) must have at least two shareholders at formation; after formation, the requirement is reduced to one shareholder.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications - SWIFT is a cooperative organized under Belgian law, with headquarters in La Hulpe, near Brussels. SWIFT provides communications services to the international banking industry, including payments and administrative messages and, more recently, securities settlements. Traffic in 1991 was about 362 million messages. SWIFT is owned by the member banks -- approximately 1,600 -- including the central banks of most countries. The U.S. Federal Reserve is not a member, but participates in certain types of payments. Securities brokers and dealers, clearing and depository institutions, exchanges for securities, and travellers checks issuers also participate in SWIFT. SWIFT was organized in 1973 and started operations in 1977.
SOEC - Statistical Office of the European Communities
Soft Currency - The currency of a nation in which exchange may be made only with difficulty. Soft currency countries typically have minimal exchange reserves and deficits in their balance of payments. See: Hard Currency.
Soft goods:curtains, carpets, padding, and wallcoverings.
Soft Loan - Commonly, a loan from a government or multilateral development bank with a long repayment period and below-market interest.
SOGA - State-Organized, Government-Approved Mission
South Asia Preferential Trading Arrangement - See: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - SAARC promotes economic, technical, scientific, and social cooperation among members. The Association was founded in 1985 by seven countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The Association plans to establish a South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) by 1997 as a step toward creating an economic community in south Asia.
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as Sailed, Sling, Slip,Sociedad Anonima,Societe Anonyme ,Societe in Nome Collettivo,Societe par Actions Simplifiee,Societe Per Azioni,Soft Loan etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as Top-Air Delivery,TON MILE, Toplift, Towage, Towboat, Tracking,Traffic,Trailer etc
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