HS code of plans, drawings for architectural, etc purposes

HS CODE  490600  stands for which product? Product code 490600  against which commodity? Commodity code 490600  meant for which product?  Commodity code 490600  for which product?  Merchandise code 490600  stands for which goods? Export material code 490600  for which commodity? Import product code 490600  for which  material?

Click here to find Import Export product code (HS code) of your goods
chapter 49 printed books, newspapers, pictures, manuscripts, typescripts and plans

4906  plans, drawings for architectural, etc purposes

490600  Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-written

How to import Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-writtenand other goods mentioned above.

Procedures to export Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-writtenand other goods mentioned above.


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GST Exemption list of goods and services

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This post explains:

Merchandise code 490600  stands for which product? HS CODE  490600  stands for which product? Product code 490600  against which commodity? Commodity code 490600  meant for which product?  Commodity code 490600  for which product?  Merchandise code 490600  stands for which goods? Export material code 490600  for which commodity? Import product code 490600  for which  material?


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