The terms used in business such as Verbal Judo,venture funding:,Vested Interest,Viable,Vigorish,Virtual Memory,Virus,Vocation etc.
This post explains about terms used in business such as verbal contract,Verbal Judo,venture funding:,Vested Interest,Viable,Vigorish,Virtual Memory,Virus,Vocation etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
The terms used in business
Venture Capital Funds:These are funds that invest in startups, a financially riskier proposition than investing in established companies.
VENTURE CAPITAL:Money used to support new or unusual undertakings; equity, risk or speculative investment capital. This funding is provided to new or existing firms which exhibit potential for above-average growth.
venture funding: the round of funding for a new company that follows seed funding provided by venture capitalists.
venture management: the collaboration of various sections within an organization to encourage entrepreneurial spirit, increase innovation, and produce successful new products more quickly

verbal contract: an agreement that is oral and not written down. It remains legally enforceable by the parties who have agreed to it.
Verbal Judo - The use of voice tone and body language to diffuse a potentially aggressive or violent situation without being confrontational. Described as Tactical Communications, Verbal Judo was developed in 1983 by American literary professor, martial arts expert and later serving policeman, Dr George ('Doc Rhino') Thompson, initially for the US police. Verbal Judo has since become a more widely applicable training program for handling conflict for all sectors, alongside the popularity of Thompson's books, notably Verbal Judo (1993) and the Verbal Judo Institute.
Vertical Disintegration - A situation in which a company that previously produced parts and materials is now buying them from other suppliers.
Vertical Equity - A concept of economic fairness, for example people who are better off should contribute more taxes than those who are less well off.
Vertical Integration - A situation in which a company acquires one or more of the companies which are involved in the production or distribution processes of its goods/services, for example a brewer which buys a pub chain, or a clothing retailer which buys a knitwear factory.
Vertical Market/Vertical Sector - or vertical market sector - Often shortened to 'vertical' - this refers to an industrial activity or trade comprising producers, manufacturers, makers, providers and users, etc - basically the supply chain or all the linked purchasers - of the same products/services, for example media, coal production, healthcare, automotive, education, retail, etc. Imagine a bar chart in which each vertical bar is an industry; or imagine a series of vertical lines, each one connecting suppliers and customers in a supply chain for a single industry. A sub-section of a vertical market sector, such as car magazines (within the media vertical), or private schools (within education), or shoe-shops (within retail) is typically called a niche or a niche market. Often used with the term Horizontal Sector, these two structural ways (vertical and horizontal) of viewing the entire market-place form a matrix. The nature of this matrix and the horizontal and vertical sectors within it mean that every niche (for example office cleaning services, or a manufacturer of nuts and bolts, or dentistry practices, or anything else you might imagine) is both a part of a vertical sector and a horizontal sector. The application of 'vertical' or 'horizontal' terminology depends often on the situation and context, and especially who is selling/marketing what to whom, (or who is acquiring whom). For example a supplier of IT services which is selling to the automotive vertical would refer, again for example, to 'vertical marketing'; to the 'vertical market'; the automotive 'vertical', etc. A supplier of IT services which sells to finance departments across several verticals (i.e., industries, e.g., automotive, media, local government, education, etc) would instead refer to selling or marketing 'horizontally' (to different verticals), and having a 'horizontal' strategy. And to illustrate the switchable nature of the matrix, an automotive supplier which sells/markets to IT organizations would refer to the IT 'vertical market', as would any other seller targeting the IT 'vertical'. (N.B. I have mentioned 'education' and 'local government' above, which are wholly/largely/partly considered as state/public services activities. Traditionally such sectors are not regarded as involved in marketing or selling, but actually increasingly such 'providers' can easily be represented as sellers or marketers or providers of products/services, albeit in a figurative sense. As such it is perfectly possible and reasonable to show such sectors as being sellers/providers of products/services to vertical sectors and even to horizontal sectors, should the need arise; and we should expect over time for the nature of horizontal/vertical marketing terminology - and other marketing terminology - to become increasingly widely applicable and inclusive. Every type of organization is both a 'supplier' and a 'customer' of some sort.)
vertical market: a market that is oriented to one particular specialty, for example, plastics manufacturing or transportation engineering
Very large capacity container / Conteneur de très grande capacité :Container that does not comply with ISO standards in length, width or height. The dimensions are variable and can sometimes be as long as 45' (13.72m), 48' (14.64m) or 53' (16.10m).
Vested Interest - When an individual, business or group has a special interest in something, such as property, an activity, etc., from which there is a personal or financial gain.
Veto - Latin for 'I Forbid'. To vote against. The right to block a law, etc.
Vexatious Litigant - A person or party who regularly brings unsustainable lawsuits against another party in order to harass or annoy them.
Viable - Capable of being done or working successfully.
Vicarious Liability - Having legal responsibility for the actions of another, e.g. the liabilty of an organisation for the actions of its employees.
Vigorish - A slang term, also abbreviated to vig, for the commission or fee charged by a bookmaker or casino on a wager. Also the interest on a loan from a loan shark or unregulated loan provider. The term is Yiddish (Jewish) deriving from the Russian word vyigrysh, meaning winnings.
Viral Marketing / Marketing viral :Encouraging internet surfers to exchange information amongst themselves via the internet (by several means including email, mailing lists, etc.).
Viral Marketing - Also known as Word Of Mouth. An advertising and marketing technique which encourages people to pass on information about a product, etc., often by e-mail or from one Internet website to another.
Virtual Memory - On a computer, a technique of simulating additional memory by moving data between the computers memory and a hard disk.
virtual organization: a temporary network of companies, suppliers, customers, or employees, linked by information and communications technologies, with the purpose of delivering a service or product.
Virtual Reality - An artificial three-dimentional (3-D) image or experience, created by a computer, and which seems real to the person looking at it.
Virus - A computer program with a hidden code, designed to infect a computer without the owners knowledge, and which causes harm to the computer or destroys data, etc.
virus: a computer program designed to damage or destroy computer systems and the information contained within them
Visegrád / Visegrád :Group of Central European countries that were signatories to a customs agreement between them in 1991: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. This expression is commonly used for issues relating to transit. These countries hold a status similar to the one enjoyed by EFTA countries in the field of common transit.
vision statement: a statement giving a broad, aspirational image of the future that an organization is aiming to achieve.
Vocation - An occupation for which a person is strongly suited and/or to which they are dedicated.
Vocational - Relating to an occupation for which a person has undergone special training or has special skills.
Voice Recognition - Technology which allows computers, mobile phones, etc., to be operated by being spoken to.
Voice-Over - A presenter or actor in a TV commercial or program who is heard but who is not seen on the screen.
The above details describes about terms called in business such verbal contract,Verbal Judo,venture funding:,Vested Interest,Viable,Vigorish,Virtual Memory,Virus,Vocation etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in business such as Valid,Valuation Approach,Value Investor,Value-Added Reseller , Vanilla,Vanity Publishing,Valued Policy etc
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