Terms used in international trade business such Master Lease,Mercantilism,Microbridge,Middle Market,Minilandbridge,Missile Technology Control Regime
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08 April 2023 Category : International Business Terms
ember of the Institute of Export
Military Critical Technologies List (MCTL) - Document listing technologies that the U.S. Defense Department considers to have current or future utility in military systems. The MCTL describes arrays of design and manufacturing know-how; keystone manufacturing, inspection, and test equipment; and goods accompanied by sophisticated operation, application, and maintenance know-how. Military justification for each entry is included in a classified version of the list.
Min Wt:Minimum Weight
Min. B/L:Minimum Bill of Lading
Minibridge - Rate from a city that is a seaport to a foreign seaport, via another city that is a seaport, with the steamship line of NVOCC issuing a bill of lading from the origin city and taking responsibility for the cargo all the way.
Minilandbridge (MLB) - Cargo moving port to port via land or rail; port destination served overland by rail.
Minimum - Lowest charge.
Minimum B/L - Minimum amount one can charge per individual bill of lading.
minimum efficient scale:The level of output at which most plant-level scale economies are exhausted.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) - Occupies a central position in Japan 's "economic bureaucracy" and is regarded as one of the three most powerful and prestigious ministries of the central government (along with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). In formulating and implementing Japan's trade and industrial policies, MITI is responsible for funding most of Japan's export promotion programs (although operation of these programs is left to JETRO). The Ministry also supervises the export financing programs of Japan 's Export-Import Bank, operates several types of export insurance programs, supports research organizations, and facilitates various types of overseas technical and cooperation training programs. Lately, MITI has assumed a role in encouraging imports of foreign products into Japan .
MIP:Marine Insurance Policy
Missile Technology Control Regime - Purpose of the MTCR is to limit the proliferation of missiles "capable of delivering nuclear weapons," to increase regional stability, and to convey publicly the firm resolve of the partners to address this issue. In April 1987, Canada , France , Germany , Japan , the U.K. , and the U.S. agreed to establish the MTCR. The regime expanded to include 23 countries, with the addition of Australia , Austria , Belgium , Denmark , Finland , Greece , Iceland , Ireland , Italy , Luxembourg , the Netherlands , New Zealand , Norway , Portugal , Spain , Sweden , and Switzerland . The MTCR does not have permanent organizations but convenes regular meetings to exchange information and coordinate member country stands. Under the MTCR, each member administers missile-related export controls independently. After the MTCR agrees that certain goods and technologies should be controlled for missile proliferation reasons, each member must implement the controls in its own domestic legislation. There is no international entity that oversees the implementation and enforcement of MTCR controls. Items and technology agreed by the MTCR partners to be controlled are listed in the MTCR Annex.
mixed economy:Certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms, while other sectors have significant government ownership and government planning.
MLB - See Minilandbridge.
MLO:Main Line Operator
The above details describes about terms called in international trade business such as Marking,Master Lease,Mercantilism,Microbridge,Middle Market,Minilandbridge,Missile Technology Control Regime,minimum efficient scale etc.These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day export import business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in international business trade below this post.Terms used in international trade business such as as License Exception ,Licensing,Line Release,Liner shipping ,Liquidation,Liner terms
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Terms used in international trade business such Master Lease,Mercantilism,Microbridge,Middle Market,Minilandbridge,Missile Technology Control Regime etc.
This post explains about terms used in international trade business such as Marking,Master Lease,Mercantilism,Microbridge,Middle Market,Minilandbridge,Missile Technology Control Regime,minimum efficient scale etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in international trade business
Market Access: The extent to which a domestic industry can penetrate a related market in a foreign country. Access can be limited by tariffs or other non trade barriers.
Marking (or marks) - Letters, numbers, and other symbols placed on cargo packages to facilitate identification.
Marks:A set of letters, numbers and/or geometric symbols, generally followed by the name of the port of destination, placed on packages for export for identification purposes.
Mark-to-market:The current market value of a contract based on current market prices.
Master document/form - Central document in export administrative systems under which all necessary information is entered into a single master document or computer file, which is then used to generate all shipping and export documents, also known as aligned export documentation systems.
Master Lease: A contract where the lessee leases currently needed assets and is able to acquire other assets under the same basic terms and conditions without negotiating a new contract.
MAT:Marine, Aviation and Transport (insurance)
Mate’s receipt - Documents issued by the carrier to the shipper, indicating receipt of the goods, but not loading on board.
Maturity Date:The date upon which a draft or acceptance becomes due for payment. Most-Favored-Nation Status: All countries having this designation receive equal treatment with respect to customs and tariffs.
MAWB:Master Air Waybill
MDHB:Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
MEA:Manufacturer's Export Agent. See "Export Management Company." Manufacturer's Export Agent (MEA): See "Export Management Company."
MEC:Marine Extension Clause
Mercantilism:An economic philosophy advocating that countries should simultaneously encourage exports and discourage imports.
Mercosur - An economic and political agreement between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay andruguay. Its purpose is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people, and currency. The official languages are Portuguese and Spanish. It has been updated, amended, and changed many times since. It is now a full customs union. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru currently have associate member status. Venezuela signed a membership agreement on 17 June 2006.
Metric Ton (M/T) - 1,000 kilograms (2,204 pounds)
MFN: Most-favoured-nation treatment (MFN) (Article I of the GATT 1994) requiring countries not to discriminate between goods on the basis of country of origin or destination.
MFN:Most Favoured Nation
MIA:Marine Insurers Act
Microbridge - Rate from a city that is not a seaport to a foreign city, via another city that is a seaport, with the steamship line or NVOCC issuing a bill of lading from the original city and taking responsibility for the cargo all the way.
Middle Market: A market segment generally represented by financing under $2 million. In leasing this sector is dominated by single investor leases.