Terms of Banker on Issue of Guarantee to Importer in India


Process of Importer Bank in India to issue Guarantee


According to Reserve Bank of India update as on 31st May, 2022, the directions on Banking process on Issue of Guarantee by importer Bank in India is given below: 


B.8. Issue of Guarantees by an Authorised Dealer

B.8.1 An authorised dealer may give a guarantee in respect of any debt, obligation or other liability incurred by a person resident in India and owned to a person resident outside India, as an importer, in respect of import on deferred payment terms in accordance with the approval by the Reserve Bank of India for import on such terms.

B.8.2 An authorised dealer may give guarantee, Letter of Undertaking of Letter of Comfort in respect of any debt, obligation or other liability incurred by a person resident in India and owned to a person resident outside India (being an overseas supplier of goods, bank or a financial institution), for import of goods, as permitted under the Foreign Trade Policy announced by Government of India from time to time and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by Reserve Bank of India from time to time.

B.8.3 An authorised dealer may, in the ordinary course of his business, give a guarantee in favour of a non-resident service provider, on behalf of a resident customer who is a service importer, subject to such terms and conditions as stipulated by Reserve Bank of India from time to time:

Provided that no guarantee for an amount exceeding USD 500,000 or its equivalent shall be issued on behalf of a service importer other than a Public Sector Company or a Department / Undertaking of the Government of India / State Government:

Provided further that where the service importer is a Public Sector Company or a Department / Undertaking of the Government of India / State Government, no guarantee for an amount exceeding USD 100,000 or its equivalent shall be issued without the prior approval of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

B.8.4 An authorised dealer may, subject to the directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf, permit a person resident in India to issue corporate guarantee in favour of an overseas lessor for financing import through operating lease effected in conformity with the Foreign Trade Policy in force and under the provisions of the Foreign exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000 framed by the Government of India vide Notification No. G. S. R. 381 (E) dated May 3, 2000 and the Directions issued by Reserve Bank of India under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 from time to time.



Bank directions to be read by each Importer in India

Banking regulations on Exports and Imports in India

Importing from India?  Click here to read Bank process in India

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