Bank operation process for IDPMS under import in India

IDPMS, Bank operation guidelines under Imports


According to Reserve Bank of India update as on 31st May, 2022, the directions on Banking formalities for IDPMS is given below: 


C.8. Detailed Operational Procedures for IDPMS

The operational guidelines are summarized as below :

(i) AD banks are required to create Outward Remittance Message (ORM) for all outward remittance/s for import payments on behalf of their importer customer for which the prescribed documents for evidence of import have not been submitted.

(ii) Creation of ORM for all outstanding outward remittance/s for import payments need to be completed on or before October 31, 2016

Settlement of ORM with BoE

(iii) Based on the AD code declared by the importer, the banks shall download the Bill of Entry (BoE) issued by EDI ports from “BOE Master” in IDPMS. For non-EDI ports, AD bank of the importer shall upload the BoE data in IDPMS as per message format “Manual BOE reporting” on daily basis on receipt of BoE from the customer/Customs office.   In order to enhance the ease of doing business and reduce transaction costs, submission of hardcopy of evidence of import documents i.e., BoE Exchange Control copy has been discontinued with effect from December 1, 2016 as the same is available in IDPMS. The revised procedure is as under:

(iv) AD banks shall enter BoE details (BoE number, port code and date) for ORM associated with the advance payments for import transactions as per the message format “BOE settlement”.

(v) In case of payment after receipt of BoE, the AD bank shall generate ORM for import payments made by its importer customer as per the message format “BOE settlement”.

(vi) Multiple ORMs can be settled against single BoE and also multiple BoE can be settled against one ORM.

(vii) On settlement of ORM with evidence of import AD Category – I bank shall in all cases issue an acknowledgement slip to the importer containing the following particulars:

  1. importer's full name and address with code number ;
  2. number and date of BoE and the amount of import ; and
  3. a recap advice on number and amount of BoE and ORM not settled for the importer.

(viii) The importer needs to preserve the printed ‘Importer copy’ of BoE as evidence of import and acknowledgement slip for future use.

Extension and Write Off

(ix) AD Category I banks shall give extension for submission of BoE beyond the prescribed period in terms of the extant guidelines on the matter, and the same will be reported in IDPMS as per the message “Bill of Entry Extension” and the date up to which  extension is granted will be indicated in “Extension Date” column.

(x) AD Category I banks can consider closure of BoE/ORM in IDPMS that involves write off to the extent of 5% of invoice value in cases where the amount declared in BoE varies from the actual remittance due to operational reasons and AD bank is satisfied with the reason/s submitted by the importer.

(xi) AD Category I banks may close the BoE for such import transactions where write off is on account of quality issues; short shipment or destruction of goods by the port / Customs / health authorities in terms of extant guidelines on the matter subject to submission of satisfactory documentation by the importer irrespective of the amount involved. AD Bank shall settle and close ORM/BoE with appropriate “Adjustment Indicator” in IDPMS.

(xii) The above operational guidelines for extension and write off are meant to facilitate closure of bills in IDPMS and will be subject to extant guidelines on the matter and not absolve the importer from remitting / receiving the amount in case of change in circumstances.

(xiii) While allowing write off, AD Category - I banks must ensure that:

a. The case is not the subject matter of any pending civil or criminal suit;

b. The importer has not come to the adverse notice of the Enforcement Directorate or the Central Bureau of Investigation or any such other law enforcement agency; and

c. There is a system in place under which internal inspectors or auditors of the AD category – I banks (including external auditors appointed by authorised dealers) should carry out random sample check / percentage check of write-off of import bills;

(xiv) Extension and write off cases not covered by the extant guidelines may be referred to the concerned Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India for necessary approval.

(xv) The extant instructions and guidelines for Evidence of Import in Lieu of Bill of Entry will apply mutatis mutandis. The evidence of import in lieu of BoE in permitted/approved conditions will be created and uploaded by AD Category – I bank of the importer in the form of BoE data as per message format “Manual BOE reporting” in IDPMS.

Follow-up for Evidence of Import

(xvi) AD Category – I banks shall continue to follow up for outward remittance made for import (i.e. unsettled ORM) in terms of extant guidelines and instructions  on the subject. In cases where relevant evidence of import data is not available in IDPMS on due dates against the ORM, AD Category – I bank shall follow up with the importer for submission of documentary evidence of import. Similarly, if BoE data is not settled against ORM within the prescribed period, AD Category – I banks shall follow up with the importer in terms of extent instructions.



Bank directions to be read by each Importer in India

Banking regulations on Exports and Imports in India

Importing from India?  Click here to read Bank process in India 

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anil sharma: Provided any form related to bill of Entry Excess amount clsoure

Himanshu jindal: Dear sir If the boe is not reflecting in idpms then how it will reflect

PRITI SINGH: Sir if the bill of entry not reflecting in IDPMS portal then what process? we update the IDPMS portal any how can be contact

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