Shipment on Consignment Basis, a method used in International Trade.
Under the consignment basis, the seller ships the goods to his agent or representative. Exporter retains legal title to the goods though the physical possession is with the agent. As and when agent sells the goods, he makes the remittance to the principal who is the exporter. There is no financial security to the exporter if the agent is dishonest, not sincere or fraudulent in working as no document of evidence in the form of Bill of Exchange is available to protect him from default. In case goods are not sold, the agent will send back 1 the goods to the exporter, at the risk and cost of later. However, this form of payment arrangement is common in respect of those goods, which cannot be standardized in respect of quality such as tea, coffee, wool etc.
There is a certain advantage to the exporter to secure better realization as the buyers would be having an opportunity to inspect the goods and may be willing to pay a higher I price if they are satisfied with the quality of the product.
At the time of sending the goods on consignment; the exporter has to declare the selling Price of the goods in the GR form. If the value of the goods is not ascertainable, the exporter has to declare that value, at which they can be sold, having regard to the prevailing market conditions at that time. FERA provisions indicate that the exporter shall not sell the goods at a price lower than the declared value unless exporter takes prior permission of RBI for such sale.
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