Human health services, GST HSN service code number

GST Service Tariff Code Heading no. 9993

Human health and social care services


GST Service Code  99931

Human health services


                GST service number 999311  Inpatient services

                GST service code 999312  Medical and dental services

                HSN GST  number 999313  Childbirth and related services

                GST code 999314  Nursing and Physiotherapeutic services

                GST service number 999315  Ambulance services

                GST service code number 999316  Medical Laboratory and Diagnostic-imaging services

                GST code 999317  Blood, sperm and organ bank services

                GST service number 999319  Other human health services including homeopathy, unani, ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture etc.

Click here to go back GST service codes home page

 Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services

GST Exemption list of goods and services

Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST

GST registration guidelines

Indian GST Laws

How to export your goods?

We have applied for GST registration, but not obtained registration certificate. Can we claim ITC in India?

Date of GST registration and date of eligibility to claim ITC

Refund of Input Tax Credit (ITC) of GST, FAQ
Refund of GST paid in India, FAQ
4 Conditions when applying for refund of Input Tax Credit (ITC) under GST
Difference between types of goods and services and types of GST
4 types of Goods and Services in India for GST rate
Difference between IGST on International goods and IGST on domestic goods.

How is IGST calculated under Imports?
How is IGST rate on imports treated?

GST and e-Commerce Business, FAQ

Definition of E-Commerce under GST

TDS under GST, Frequently Asked Questions

Does Interest attract on GST Tax payment delay?

Mechanism of Payment of GST tax in India

Levy of late fee for GST Tax returns filing in India

Notice to GST return filing defaulters

When to file Annual Return of GST online?


What is LET EXPORT order in export trade?

How to book empty container for factory/CFS/ICD/port stuffing

How to calculate CBM in LCL export shipments:

How to calculate chargeable weight under airfreight in exports?

How to check the time of contract on high sea sale transaction?

How to Choose a product for export business

How to cover the risk of Cargo loss or damage

How to customs clear Cargo arrived in a port where in import license obtained for another port

How to differentiate BL and HBL?

How to differentiate CPT and DAP in shipping terms

How to divert cargo from one port to another?

How to file bill of entry Manually. What is manual filing of Import Documents?

How to file Bill of Entry on line? What is called Noting in bill of entry

What is the Service tariff code for GST for  Human health services

Mention GST accounting code for Inpatient services

Explain GST number for Medical and dental services

What is the GST service code for Childbirth and related services

GST service tariff for Nursing and Physiotherapeutic services

What is Tariff code of GST for Ambulance services

Service code of GST for Medical Laboratory and Diagnostic-imaging services

Mention HSN code for Blood, sperm and organ bank services

Provide GST HSN code for Other human health services including homeopathy, unani, ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture etc.

CGST Act section 101 Orders of Appellate Authority

CGST Act Section 102 Rectification of advance ruling

CGST Act Section 103 Applicability of advance ruling

CGST Act section 104 Advance ruling to be void in certain circumstances

CGST Act Section 105 Powers of Authority and Appellate Authority

CGST Act Section 106 Procedure of Authority and Appellate Authority

CGST Act Section 107 Appeals to Appellate Authority

CGST Act section 108 Powers of Revisional Authority

CGST Act Section 109 Constitution of Appellate Tribunal and Benches thereof

CGST Act Section 110 President and Members of Appellate Tribunal, their qualification, appointment, conditions of service

CGST Act section 111 Procedure before Appellate Tribunal

CGST Act Section 112 Appeals to Appellate Tribunal

CGST Act section 113 Orders of Appellate Tribunal

CGST Act Section 114 Financial and administrative powers of President

CGST Act Section 115 Interest on refund of amount paid for admission of appeal

CGST Act section 116 Appearance by authorised representative

CGST Act Section 117 Appeal to High Court                   

CGST Act Section 118Appeal to Supreme Court

CGST Act Section 119 Sums due to be paid notwithstanding appeal

CGST Act section 120 Appeal not to be filed in certain cases

CGST Act Section 121 Non-appealable decisions and orders

CGST Act Section 122 Penalty for certain offences

CGST Act Section 123 Penalty for failure to furnish information return

CGST Act Section 124 Fine for failure to furnish statistics



SANJAY GUPTA: I want to know whether services of dietician attracts GST

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