HS CODE 284180 stands for which product? Product code 284110 against which commodity? Commodity code 284110 meant for which product? Export goods code for Chromates of Zinc or of Lead. Import goods code for Chromates of Zinc or of Lead. Merchandise code for Chromates of Zinc or of Lead. Goods code for 284180 for which merchandise?
Click here to find Import Export product code (HS code) of your goods
chapter 28 inorganic chem, organic inorganic compounds of precious metals, isotopes
2841 salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids
284110 Aluminates
284120 Chromates of Zinc or of Lead
284130 Sodium Dichromate
284140 Potassium Dichromate
284150 Other Chromates and Dichromates, Peroxochromates
284160 Manganites, Manganates and Permanganates
284170 Molybdates
284180 Tungstates (Wolframates)
284190 Other Salts of Oxometallic or Peroxometallic Acids
How to import Aluminatesand above specified.
Procedures to export Potassium Dichromateand above specified.
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This post explains:
What is the HS code for Aluminates? What is HTS code for Aluminates? HS name for Aluminates? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Aluminates. What is the Product code for import of Aluminates. How to get product code for export of Aluminates. How to find commodity code to import Aluminates. How to get commodity code to export Chromates of Zinc or of Lead.