HS code of opium,saps,agar,mucilages vegitable saps and extracts etc

HS CODE  130211  stands for which product? Product code 130213  against which commodity? Commodity code 130212  meant for which product?  Export goods code for Pectic Substances, Pectinates and Pectates.  Import goods code for Agar-agar.  Merchandise code for Agar-agar.   Goods code for 130220  Pectic Substances, Pectinates and Pectates for which merchandise?130211  Opium

Click here to find HS code (HTS code) of your product
Product HS code chapter 13 lac, gums, resins, etc.

1302  vegitable saps and extracts: pectates etc  agar-agar etc.

130212  Saps and Extracts of Liquorice

130213  Sap and Extracts of Hops

130214  Saps and Extracts of Pyrethrum or of the Roots Containing Rotenone

130219  Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts

130220  Pectic Substances, Pectinates and Pectates

130231  Agar-agar

130232  Mucilages and Thickeners Derived from Locust Bean, Locust Bean Seedsor Guar Seeds

130239  Other Mucilages and Thickeners Derived from Vegetable Products


How to import  Opium and above specified.

Procedures to export  Opium and above specified.



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Indian GST Laws

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Tips to exporters on Documentation 
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Importance of Bill of Lading
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When does exporter get EP copy of shipping bill after customs clearance
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The role of CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs in India.
The role of Export Inspection Agency in Pre-shipment Inspection & Quality Control


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This post explains:

What is the HS code for Opium? What is HTS code  for Saps and Extracts of Liquorice?  HS name for Saps and Extracts of Liquorice? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Sap and Extracts of Hops.  What is the Product code for import of Saps and Extracts of Pyrethrum or of the Roots Containing Rotenone. How to get product code for export of  Sap and Extracts of Hops.  How to find commodity code  to import Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts. How to get commodity code to export Saps and Extracts of Pyrethrum or of the Roots Containing Rotenone. 

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