HS code of agri etc and poultry etc equip, inc incubators, pts


What is the HS code for Poultry kpeeping machinery?What is HTS code  for Poultry Incubators and Brooders? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Poultry Incubators. What is the Product code for import of Poultry ncubators and Brooders.How to get commodity code to export Poultry Incubators.     Export goods code for parts of Poultry Incubators and Brooders. Goods code 843610  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  843621  stands for which product?Product code 843629  against which commodity?Commodity code 843680  meant for which product?

Click here to get Commodity code of your product
Product HS code chapter 84 nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, computers

8436  agri etc and poultry etc equip, inc incubators, pts

843610  Machinery for Preparing Animal Feeding Stuffs
843621  Poultry Incubators and Brooders
843629  Poultry-keeping Machinery
843680  Other Agricultural, Horticultural, Forestry or Bee-keeping Machinery
843691  Parts of Poultry-keeping Machinery or Poultry Incubators and Brooders
843699  Parts of Other Agricultural, Horticultural or Bee-keeping Machinery


How to import Poultry Incubators and other goods mentioned above

Procedures to export Poultry Incubators and other goods mentioned above


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This post explains:

What is the HS code for Poultry Incubators?What is HTS code  for Poultry Incubators and Brooders? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Poultry Incubators. What is the Product code for import of Poultry ncubators and Brooders.How to get commodity code to export Poultry Incubators.     Export goods code for Poultry Incubators and Brooders. Goods code 843699  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  843691  stands for which product?Product code 843699  against which commodity?Commodity code 843691  meant for which product?

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